General, School

In Just 12 Days

This is the official countdown. In 12 days come, I will have finished a year at college and be happily sleeping at home. 8 days of classes, consisting of exams and a pile of work to finish and turn in, plus 3 final exams: psychology, chemistry and biology >_< fml.

[plug] Speaking of, have you guys visited at all? It’s a humorous site where people have tragic stories, and you just have to feel better through empathy or just being able to see that your life isn’t as bad as theirs (through laughter). Check it out if you haven’t already. [/plug]

I recently copied all my old web files to my current computer (I don’t know why they weren’t here before) so I hope to have more things up and running in the semi-near future! I’ll check back later

[edit] I was on a school computer earlier and was looking at my blog. i never realized how different it looked in some other screen resolution…i should do something about that. [/edit]

One thought on “In Just 12 Days

  1. Haha, FML…that term seems like a pretty recent development. One of my friends loves using that term and she showed me that website before. Although it is very humorous, to me at least, it gets old after a few days because all the FML related stories are usually about sex or something of that nature.

    I can’t believe you finish in just 9 more days! I finish May 15 (but won’t be leaving until the 19, because I have to wait for my sister to finish as well).

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