I remember dreaming that I remembered this dream and so I’m writing this.
We were in a department store, there was Amy Y., Megan P., Mr. Tucker, some guys. Amy pulled this sweater off the rack and was saying how good of a fit it would be. She gave it to me to hold, and then Mr. Tucker wanted to check the size of it, and his was a medium, and I thought Amy‘s was, but then Tucker said hers was a large. I checked it and it in fact a large.
At this point in my dream, I remembered having my other dream and wanted to write it down as soonas possible, so then I ‘woke up’ in my dream to write down what was happening. my laptop was moved to the ledge by my bed and I was typing it in. Then I fell back into the dream.
As I was thinking about the size, this guy comes over and starts asking Tucker if he can make requests yet. The cashier lady was actually a DJ and people were requesting. Tucker told him to hold off until she got her groove going, but people already were readying to start making requests.
I had to go to the bathroom at this point, so I went in, but the first thing I did was step in this puddle. I wouldn’t have noticed if I were wearing shoes…or socks Haha. So then I don’t remember ever peeing, but I needed toilet paper to clean off my foot. I couldn’t find a roll that was good; they were all kinda laying around in a less than great condition. But then I noticed a plain roll in the back. I start pulling, but the holder wouldn’t hold, and it became a hassle. So i grabbed the closer one which had Naughty Or Nice written all over it in green and red. I wipe my foot and put it in the toilet. These 2 other girls were now there with me, and the water starts moving before I flush it, and it looked kinda cool. But then I really flushed it and was on my way.
The next scene is actually the previous one; I remember something about Jenn M.’s parents and needing her to get home. It seems like we were coming back from Philadelphia, but by then we were already on Cowpath. We were in the car for a bit, but then as we got to the intersection, we were no longer in the car. We figured that we could just walk down the road. One van was coming up behind us and passed us when I noticed that it looked a lot like Steve L.’s family’s van. The van pulls into a driveway and Steve’s dad walks out. Jenn wanted to stop in because she HAD to see Steve, so we did.
We’re walking over and I tell Jenn that she can’t just walk into his house, so she runs over to this patio that the have, except that the patio was like a real enclosed house, except it was missing a wall. I guess that makes it an [adirondack] (Mr. Riefenstahl told us that, but I’m looking it up now, and it’s not coming up) Anyway, it’s a house that’s missing a wall. But it was freezing outside, so I was sitting on the hardwood floor, legs hanging off the side watching Jenn. The 3 walls prevented any wind, so I was pretty comfortable. but Jenn was out side of the thing and found a small heating vent. She was pretty excited about that.
We never did see Steve, or get her home. And then at this point or so, Dwyer text’s me and I’m awake.