General, School

In Just 12 Days

This is the official countdown. In 12 days come, I will have finished a year at college and be happily sleeping at home. 8 days of classes, consisting of exams and a pile of work to finish and turn in, plus 3 final exams: psychology, chemistry and biology >_< fml.

[plug] Speaking of, have you guys visited at all? It’s a humorous site where people have tragic stories, and you just have to feel better through empathy or just being able to see that your life isn’t as bad as theirs (through laughter). Check it out if you haven’t already. [/plug]

I recently copied all my old web files to my current computer (I don’t know why they weren’t here before) so I hope to have more things up and running in the semi-near future! I’ll check back later

[edit] I was on a school computer earlier and was looking at my blog. i never realized how different it looked in some other screen resolution…i should do something about that. [/edit]


Always on Time

Good morning all. Its currently 10:37 on this here Thursday the 9th of April. My next class is not until 3, so let me enlighten you to this wonderful morning I’ve had.

I awoke at about 7:30 to find a message on my phone from my email. My 8am class had been canceled. I could have not gotten up 🙁 “But thats ok. I have a conference at 10am,” I thought, trying to be optimistic. I get ready at 9 and head downstairs to the front desk. Jory, my RA, was sitting there watching South Park, so I watched with him for a bit. Fishsticks. That’s all I have to say. I then proceeded to get an English muffin in the caf (they ran out of my delicious honey wheat ones *more frowns*). After the muffin, I go to the computer lab to print my paper. Printing was fine, but the stapler was empty. Bummer.

I’m walking out with my paper. I get to the classroom and it is completely empty. Deserted, no sign of life around. I’m waiting, and while doing so, I text my friend Amanda asking to check Angel, the school’s management system (Like Blackboard, if you’re familiar with that). Some time later, she told me he was sick and not coming. Great. Both my morning classes canceled and I was awake. Sitting in the farthest building from my dorm. Oh, and my teacher left an assignment for us too.

Anyway. That was my morning. After my 3 o’clock class, I’m headed home for Easter weekend…which also happens to be my brother’s birthday 😀 I need to get some smilies going on. There’s a great pixelated cake I could use XD

That’s it for now. I’ll check back later!

Home, School

Power of Gasoline

Some business came up and I helped my friend Kelsey out by driving her to an interview in Jersey. After a fun eventful day, I drove back through Philly. There’s something about cars that just increases my adrenaline. From my old days of watching Initial D, I have this fascination with cars. I’m not some super crazy stuntman, but I do need to keep myself occupied on the road.

I like to find attractive drivers with attractive rides. On the way down, there was this one guy who was pretty cute, but he couldn’t keep up with me. But then on the way back, there was this other guy in a hot Nissan 350z (yummy :9 ) and he was keeping up and switching lanes. That was so sexy. But when we got to tolls, eh had EZPass and I didn’t, but then he also took a different exit and I lost my love.

Haha. Ok, that’s pretty much that update. I have a lot of school things coming up with the end of the semester/year in sight. I may make time for meaningless scrobbles. Its not like anyone reads this anymore


Slowly, but Surely

Ok. As usual, it’s the school business that’s keeping away. Lame. But anyway, I’m really trying to get back into this and I started a side log called astro echo. I’m pretty big on my dreams (sleep dreams, not quite aspirations) and I wanted to keep track of them. Partially because they’re usually either really funny or just bizarre. I only just started that, so there isn’t much there. I’ll be popping in and out so see you soon!


Out of the Jungle

I had to get up for my 8am (Sociology…we’re talking about family) so I’m sitting here writing out what I remember. I’ll try to update if I remember more later.

I’m a member of this army. Dark green camo get-up. I’m in the front of the group walking as we’re in this thick jungle. This one guy gets a message saying how we need to get out of the forest- now. As he’s freaking out about this, we’re trying to figure out what the big deal was, but the man in charge wasn’t worried. In about 3 steps, we were exiting the forest and saw a sandy beach. That man telling us to leave shut up.

So now we’re this group coming out of a forest getting onto this sand beach. It’s an island type deal, and the water is as clear blue as can be.  Out leader is telling us what we’re doing here. He point in the direction over his shoulder and behind him lies this other island. This island is a theme park! It’s pretty basic, but all exciting, nonetheless.

We all begin wading into the water getting to this island.  When I start getting close, I see that there are little islands that make up this big one. Not necessarily detached, but shaped. The first island on the far left resembled a penis. Yeah. A penis. I call my friend Lenny V. over and make sure to point that out to him, and of course he loved it.

As we approach the island, there are giant suspensions from rollercoasters, and some bars that resemble the Dueling Tampons on Penn’s campus.  My other Friend Amanda E. starts trying to climb the one of the suspension bars. In the process of climbing, she says, “Maybe I got myself into a little more than I can handle.”  But she keeps trying to hold herself up on this bar and eventually makes it up.

At this point in the dream, people start changing into other people and changes happen. Amanda E. is walking around on the 2nd leve, but then Erin O., Joe K. and Melanie N show up. Erin O. was sitting on someone’s shoulders as if she was playing chicken, but no one else was playing. She start going up to people and squeezing their stomachs.  Somewhat trying to grab for love handles, but since Melanie N. and Joe K. are pretty fit people, there’s nothing to grab at- it’s just awkward.

The dream kinda fades out from there, but there’s more that I’ll seee if I can remember later. There’s something that precedes this portion.