I decided to try and take a nap this afternoon since sleeping hasn’t been going well. I felt like I was semi-conscious the entire time, so I didn’t get too rested and kept waking up, but I did have some weird dreams.
Earlier that day, I told Kelsey that I would try and go to the gym with her, after she had class and I took my nap. So I set my alarm to go off early, but then I slept through that. I awoke to find Janine running around in a towel. I figure, ok, we have this little house so we can be pretty comfortable and she just got out of the shower. Then as I’m going to Janine’s room to talk to her, I run into Drew, Janine’s boyfriend in a towel too! And suddenly I’m thinking I shouldn’t be here.
It was a little awkward, but at the same time I didn’t care. We’re talking and then Kaitlyn and Laura come in. They were in town for the day and wanted to stop by. It was pretty exciting, and Laura had a shirt on like in Mean Girls with the boob holes. Haha. It was pretty routine until I woke up again.
That first waking up was just a dream within a dream, and I look at my watch. It’s 6:00, and I was gonna be at the gym already. Janine walks by (probably why I woke up) and she asks whats up, since I haven’t seen her pretty much all day, and I explained the dream and she laughed while assuring me that they were not running around in towels 😛
EDIT: I also remember at one point waking up from the dream within a dream to see some people moving around in my room. I fell back asleep as they seemed to be moving my desk. When I awoke in my dream again, I realized that the hutch to my desk had gone missing! Who steals a desk hutch. But after looking around, I realize that it was only removed (unscrewed and all) and moved elsewhere. Who takes a desk?