
Kiss Kiss

My brother and I were at Pizza Hut. Again, I know. But we got an order of breadsticks and something. The bill came and I handed her a 10. She started counting change and what not, but then I realized I never saw the actual check and asked if that was enough. She replied, it covers the check but all you need is the tip now. I didn’t care so I was like, Ok! I’m going through my purse trying to find a few dollar (since the check wasn’t that much and I figure why not- she was nice).

She’s a cute girl; reminds me of one of the OLs at my school (weird). But She takes a seat across from me and my brother is off to the side somewhere.  I pull out some fives, and I’m only looking for singles. I pull out some other bills: hundred dollars, two-hundred dollars, tens. Only 1 one.  I pull out a movie ticket and my brother is suddenly in awe. He’s like, “You have a ticket?!” and I was thinking, they’re at Costco, so it’s not a big deal. He explains that the original Beast from Beauty and the Beast is back performing and doing some final shows and this is our last chance. I tell him that I can get more tickets if he wants to see it. I love Beauty and the Beast, so I didn’t mind at all.

There are about 7 cell phones that I pulled out along with everything else, but still no singles. Finally, someone gets the genius idea to break a five x_x Wow. So we took care of that.

We’re outside, myself, my brother and this waitress girl. They’re all talking and I figure, hey! Why don’t I invite her to see Beauty with us. Tickets come in pairs, and I already have one, so we’d have 3.  Then they’re all talking and my brother is looking at her and says, “Why don’t you just hurry up and kiss me.” Something like that. But they’re both eyes closed and puckered, except not facing each other. What a mess, so I’m kinda there guiding them to each other (awkward). After the first kiss something, she makes this face (I’m thinking it was a bad one or something) but then they keep going. Tongue and all. So I left them there for a moment. We were starting to leave, everyone in the car when the girl says, “What about Kelsey?” I sigh. I forgot about her. I call her to find out where she is, and she’s in the house. Dumbass. She gets down to the 2nd floor where Kaitlyn and Brittney are.  She whispers something to them, which I could hear, and she was about to dismount from the 2nd floor. She makes a hard landing and we’re all calling her stupid because there was a giant box with a beam coming out of it. She could have easily gotten onto the box, and then from the box to the ground easily. Nope. No logic in her.

There was another dream where I’m in a hospital type environment. I remember running by the dad in Malcolm in the Middle (also Breaking Bad) and he was trying to pass as a doctor. He was good with his terms about kidney stones and tachycardia, but some people didn’t buy his act. Even so, they went along with it.  My portion of this was more of a straight walk to get somewhere. There was a lot of stuff in the way, but I get to the end of the path, and there’s a box at the bottom. I look up the steep slope and I start trekking up.  I get about 5 feet from the top and the slope is just too much for me. I’m barely hanging on by the ledge, and there is all this stuff (boxes and such). If I move one of the boxes, the rest will move, and I’m already holding a few that have fallen on me.  I look at the top and see some people moving things around and ask them how I can get up there.  The kid replies, “Well you could probably just make some rules.” Rules. Like in Kings! So I made myself a rule about how if I could get up there, I’d be allowed to move the boxes out of the way. I pushed a whole stack of toys and boxes to find a step! I sit on the step, place some of the things that fell on me into nooks to hold, and I get to the top.

There was another dream that was really significant to me, but now I’m not remembering anymore…

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