Home, Winter

Twenty Four Days

I have gone though my first complete day of Winter Vacation.  How do I feel? Meh.  I kinda slept. Still trying to work on that, but the cable went down earlier so internet and TV was out for a little while.  My brother took the car so I was stuck inside too. Guess what I did today?!

I CROCHETED A SCARF. Then I started knitting something too (while watching Fast & Furious and Star Wars).  It’s been a slow day. While I couldn’t sleep though, I found a brilliant site about what I can do over break. I have decided to accomplish at least some goal for each day.  I have 24 official days left.

December 18: Granny knitted for her grand kids.

It’s been a pretty slow day text wise too. I frown a little about it, but it’s nothing huge. I did go out to Wal*Mart earlier to find some fancy yarn (I’m so lame) but I ran into a girl from high school.  We ended up chatting for a good hour or so about things. It was nice to talk to someone, and see a familiar face.

I’m trying to see what I have to do tomorrow. It’s a Saturday…I’ve been meaning to find some shoes (this is being a girl at it’s finest. Or worst. I can’t tell.)  I do want to pick up some travel items.  And maybe a memory card for my camera.

I am so excited to be done with school, but I feel like I don’t know how to deal with not being so busy all the time. Overall break is also dedicated to regaining a sleep cycle.  I’m going to go start a book and lay in bed. We’ll see how that goes. Goodnight, everyone 🙂

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