skimming ideas from the dream. must study for test. pretty up the post later.
in the car with daniel. talking, eating pizza. then all of a sudden i notice him stop. and it took me a minute to realize we were at the mall or walmart. he was dropping me off, like for school. i get out, but realize its past closing, and i catch him before he drives off saying- if he’s going t be on his way back tomorrow anyway and its closed now, i cant do anything here but wait overnight so i might as well sleep at home and go with him tomorrow. so i get back in the car with my things.
hanging with some kids, austin and i want to venture to this one place.
grocery store with amanda. ice cream. she’s in the freezer, asking her where we are going to go. finding more flavors.
firehouse. ask steve for favor. pulling the screen down. waiting for them to return from a call.
austin invites to join in group thing. turns into teams. them vs. firehouse. i take steve’s side. other team had giant bags that they would ambush and capture the firehouse with. i needed to inform them. went to get cellphone (htc) tell steve.
hanging out with dan balan. on the way to the firehouse. jumping from giant gymnast mats. pizza carrier (from video), asked if original. said doesn’t know. but it’s a real pizza delivery thing. then these super sexy triplets come to join us. i wanted to climb up the giant mat,but the pizza box in the way. some of the girls slip, and its all fun and games.
gilly is one part of the opposing team. i wander out to get a head start away from everyone. end up in a mall gift shop place. after a while, souderton kids finally make it out there and i get tagged. head back.
memory flash back of a time when steve was sitting at a park table. this was on film. he was describing how there were 70 diff kinds of chocolate bunnies. and being a viewer to the movie and knowing what happens next, ask about the rivers. and there’s some mini stream flowing down. he says in that part of the ganges river along, there are over 75 [streams] running into it. he used some fancy word, and then looked at tom and said- hear that- key word for today.
then in basement of a house. start playing old school songs, some amanda knows, but jenn doesnt. and it’s great reminiscing.
back on the big mats, harley and steve are there. when harley shows up, he has this facial hair. like < > marks where the mustache is, and this goatee. i compliment him on it, and was like- i like what you have going on there…that, chin thing (because I didnt want to say goatee, since it seemed like the wrong word). he laughed and gave me this oh, you’re cute when you dont know, sort of hug. and that hug woke me up.