
Around Town

A little sporadic. I don’t remember the order of events much.

I was around a old cottage with a girl, and we went around the back and found a GIANT PILE of Pochacco bags.  It seems as though Joanne cleaned out her things.  We said it was so much and wondered if we could salvage and sell off any of her old stuff. We’re rummaging and this old guy is walking over, but he’s not looking for us.  Later he comes back when 2 guys were driving off, trying to figure out who they were.  I noted it looked like Piatek and Butch, but it wasn’t Butch’s car, so I couldn’t be sure.

He was curious, but I told him if I saw them, I could identify them.  Then later, we were in the doctor’s office checking in on something.  We did not have an appointment, but I explained that I had a lot of troubles running in my family with accidental deaths and such, and all I wanted was an appointment.  They happily agreed, but then asked if I wanted a sticker too.  I got 2 green stickers and a green lollipop.

When we got back to my room, I went to my phone and noticed a few new emails (as usual) and a missed text. Adrian wanted to know if I was up for a movie…a few hours ago. So I texted him back seeing if he still wanted to know. I was so upset with myself for not having my phone on me. He asked me to go to the movies!

I vaguely remember being outside a restaurant, and walking with Laney a bit.  I didn’t know if we were going to tube back or walk. The ground was slanted, and standing was awkward, but were stood against the wall for a bit, talking and deciding what to do.

//Added; I remember talking with Carl while at my computer, and he tells me that he likes me. I ask him in what sense, and the image we’re put into is at a Costco, and he said that he can trust me with his bag of onions when he goes to the bathroom. That’s how he likes me.


One Night

In the beginning of the dream, I was running around in a field with what seemed like a Josh Tarrington and either Christina Andrews or Robin Alexander.  We started a new game.  It was dark and we were by some fields and housing, but we were going to try and kill each other.  Running around with knives and various things, slashing and throwing weapons at each other.  At one point Josh became Wolverine and had his claws, which also doubled and detached.  There was some narrator who also spoke about adamantium.

There were a lot of close calls, where I was almost stabbed in the back, but nothing fatal occurred.  After we ran around in the fields a while, we met up and decided that maybe tonight was not the time to die and we could all just walk away with our injuries, and our lives.

The day came around and I was I was in the same area, but it was daytime- I was cleaned up and dressed well.  The house we were by, seemed to have a barbecue like/graduation party going on.  This was Dave’s family.  I sat down at a table by Dave and we talked a bit, getting closer each time.  Then finally, someone was coming and we backed off a little.  Then he started nibbling my index finger. Saying how he’s going to leave marks to remember, and so he can find me later.

I was telling him about the last night, except I described the war with condiments, like ketchup and mustard- and just a mess. He didn’t need to know what really happened.

I had to get going, and so I’m walking away from the property, through the grass and I can see where the flowers had been crushed from last night.  I get to the front, and there’s Adam McCready‘s family bringing things to the party. We let them pass and then left.

Later, I ended up in someone’s house, and there was a computer there and Dave messaged me while I was taking a bath.  I’m cleaning myself and chatting, and Tara messages me too.  The scene changes and it becomes a locker room type shower.  There are the girls from the hostel and we are getting ready.

I get outside where there are some people by the pool, and some kids.  The kids have theses crazy water toys that turn them into giant flying squirrels, and all these things.  they were playing for a while, and I watch a little boy chase this one toy and just leap over a fence and back.  The one little girl was playing frisbee with her dad.  Then This one dog calls me over, like Frank from Men in Black.  He wanted to show me something.

I get there, and there’s a pile of crap on the ground, and he’s blowing on it, and it turns into regular looking crap.  He can pass off his own for the others dogs’s.  But in actuality, he pissed out this stuff, and it thickened to look like crap.  I told him that was gross. But he walked off all proud.

I end up picking up this little animal and have it in my arms for a while.  It falls asleep and gets comfortable.  I walk over to the back and there’s a small crowd.  We were watching the end of Harry Potter, and Lindsay Lohan was finishing her performance; she’s coming back.  She’s leaving and then Lady Gaga comes on.  She does one song and is about to do Boys Boys Boys, but she had to get changed, so the crowd sang it instead.  She comes out then with these giant boob socks and all decked out in glitter and almost Cambodian/Indian themed skimpies.  She performs Vanity.  I had to get going and started inching towards the exit.

I’m sitting on the side, but then she starts performing a Japanese song! It was a blend between ELTJirenma, Dir en GreyCage and IcemanLost Complex?  Either way, I was stoked.  Then she introduces Dir en Grey! It was great. One asian guy walks by and starts telling us that we have to shift over since this space is going to be used.  People start moving, but a few of us who are about to go stick around in that spot for a bit.

General, School


Took a few days, but I finally got Dell support and they’re sending someone out. Expected in 2 days now, actually. So I’ve been a bit detached the past odd weeks. No computer? I never realized how freaking dependent I was on that- completely helpless without it.  I had to start utilizing the Academic center and the cafe.

This past weekend I went up to Scotland and had the most amazing time of my life.  I have about 700+ pictures, but I’ll start posting or something once I get baby back. I need to start thinking about my summer job too.  I was looking at my classes for the fall- not fun. But I feel like it would be more convenient to get a job and make money/gain hours rather than in a classroom away from everrryyyoneee.

I’m starting to feel the crunch of the schedule.  I don’t have a lot going on, but there will be a lot due soon- so here’s to productivity!


Loch Ness

I was talking to Dave this morning on my way back from Scotland.  At the end, he said, “sweet dreams,” as he always does, but then reading it over again, it hit me! I had a dream about him the other night.

This one happened Saturday-Sunday night while I was in a hostel up in Scotland…I remember waking up in the middle of the night, it was a really clear dream, but it’s been a few days now, so we’ll see.

I was in my house, and Dave happened to be there as well.  The only thing was, he brought someone else.  It was this chick.  She was maybe late 20s, early 30s at oldest.  I was a little offended that he’s bring another chick to my place, but I wasn’t gonna say anything.  I was just holding conversation with them in the kitchen, no big deal.

She had a little girl with her, about the age of 3- saying how she had to take care of her because her family situation wasn’t well. Something, but the entire presence of this person seemed so off. I couldn’t identify it.  I went out into the living room to watch some TV or so, and Dave was there, and we were talking.  We had a lot of interaction despite him bringing some female guest.

Then I heard something coming from the back yard, like arguing.  I head to the dining room, and that chick and my mom are fighting, but then they disappear.  That chick dragged my mom away somewhere. I don’t know who she is, where she went.  I turn to Dave and I say to him- I thought you knew her! His response- Well I guess I really don’t.

So not only does he bring this other female over, but he doesn’t know who she is and she wacks my mother away.  Dave decided it was best he left, and in a pretty down kind of voice, said that he’d meet me at the police station tomorrow morning.

Standing in the doorway, it didn’t look like him. It also didn’t seem like him, but that was just a vibe.

I woke up pretty distraught, but then realized it was early morning and went back to bed instead.

The next dream had my brother in it, but now I don’t remember what it was. We were picking something.