Month: April 2010
I’m doing some laundry at the moment, so I have time to spare before I go switch the load to dry. I have a few things on my mind as the semester is winding down. Let’s see what I can recall.
I still find myself in utter annoyance with my roomate. We have since talked some more and related to some business, but it is her personal habits that still bug me to pieces. The way she eats, her chewing, her talking to herself, singing to herself, clonking around in the morning with the heeled boots, the ridiculous mess she makes, the amount of toilet paper she uses, the freaking mess in the kitchen, the broken freezer door, the odor…
That’s not nice, but how I feel. I love it when I have the room to myself, and I always have this dread of her return- or the biggest let down when that door opens. I held through, though. I did not move out when given the opportunity- I want to be a trooper…storm trooper. Haha…I wish.
Anyway, what else is new. I did scheduling for school, but didn’t get anything I wanted. I started browsing craigslist for missed connections and then into personals. They were quite amusing at first, but then as I kept reading, I noted my desperation and loneliness within the ads. Oh dear. There’s the boy topic too, but that’ll be a private post just so I can get my thoughts out; I’m not ready to be judged on that one just yet.
There’s less than a month left here. 24 days, according to my phone’s countdown (also 265 days until I turn 21!). 51 for a sappy anniversary and 74 for one year. D’awwwww… Anyway. Less than a month, I have 2 papers, 1 exam, 1 lab practical. I should be free by the 11th of May 🙂 I have a few days to myself. Roomate is leaving the 12th, so then the days after that are all my own!
I believe Harley and Jenn are coming to the airport to pick me up. I’m super excited. The more I am here, the more I am beginning to miss home. It’s not that I dislike London, I just could really use some good American things. Homey things…. American currency and value. WHERE A BIG MAC AT MCDONALDS DOES NOT EQUATE TO 12 DOLLARS. Thank you, Rappersweil. I just have to push through- make the best of the time I have left, and not go completely broke. I had a goal to coming home with some money. I’m not sure how that’s looking. I can’t do much spending if I had a plan. Eeks.
Ok, time to go get laundry. I may come back to edit this or just start a new post. Maybe the private one.