

I have bug bites. Somewhere in the usual double digits, but I have an itching problem. I love scratching.

I don’t have many plans. I applied for this Lab Tech job, which sounded AMAYYYYZINGGG, but they’re looking for someone for a year-long contract. The lady said she’d keep me in mind though, so I’m optimistic.  I would love a lab job.

In a little while, I’m taking my brother to work and then I’m thinking about running to the mall. There are these super cute shoes (ew, I’m such a girl right now). Other than that, I have nothing to do. I read some of my book this morning- maybe pick up a new one too? Not that I don’t have enough books on my wall- I just want some more Susane Colasanti.  She’s good; she speaks to me.

This is another attempt at blogging more often. This morning, I read something off twitter from Deryck.  He made his own little blog-ish entry, and it makes me think. It pretty much says how people stopped dreaming and settle for boring lives and we should all live life.

Live your fucking lives, people.  Paying bills are one thing, but don’t sell yourself short.   Everyone lives with some regrets.  Just make sure you are regretting something you did, not something you didn’t do.

He speaks to me. Every time something like that comes up, I feel like I have the urge to really take a step towards it and do something worthwhile instead of sitting around. I personally feel I’m a little too uptight still. Jenn doesn’t agree, but maybe she’s biased 😛 I want to get more out of life- here’s to trying!

While we’re there, I’m working on letting go. I tend to dwell and I just need to make the best of what there is, because bumming around won’t get me where I want to be. I cannot keep holding myself back. Given, it’s not as easy as it seems; knowing myself, I’ll make it a little more difficult, but it’s something that is worth a shot. A shot I must take.

There’s this to-do list. I really should knock some of those out. I should revamp- or maybe just finish- That’d be great 🙂 On top of that, who knows. I’ll try to keep posted.

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