
To Live

I took a nap on Thursday before Pharmacognosy and these are the dreams I had. Why is my life in danger.

In the first dream, I was at the mall looking for a parking spot. I was driving and my brother was in the back. It was the evening and there was snow all around. I just turned left to get down a row and passed a car who just started pulling out of the spot (haha…I said pulling out) I went to make a U-Turn (wide one). As I finally looped around, I pulled into the spot and was so happy with myself.

We’re talking a little and I’m not sure if we were waiting to get out or waiting for people to come out of the mall. We were sitting there for not even a minute and I heard the back door open. I wasn’t concerned (as though we were waiting for someone) but then I realize that they were not people we knew. 2-3 black males somewhat hyped up. He had a small gun and was holding it against my head as another was watching my brother. I freaked out. I was almost crying but tried to reason with them. I told them that I didn’t have anything valuable in my purse (partially lying, since I have a few things that might be worth something), but I explained how I was a kid in med school and am shit broke.

He backed down a little as if he knew how broke I was. They decided to let us go, but before the kid with the gun left, he kinda laughed at me and jabbed me a few times by my eye with his gun (which was fairly warm/hot) like this was the best joke ever. But they left.

The next dream I had, I was watching someone do a sniper mission for someone. As soon as the job was done, the boss gave the OK for his own guy to kill the sniper. Sniper was caught off guard (as he was hired to do the job) and I had to tell him that they never intended to pay him. I brought myself into this battlefield. Shot the boss’s guy and kept moving. We were in somewhat of a bunker, and it was like a chain reaction of guys who were hired to take out the previous guy or at least cover the job if someone fails. I’m taking them down one by one, but then when it seems to be calmer, they start pulling grenade-like weapons and smoke bombs. It was as though I was in a trailer and someone threw in a cluster of little grenades (5) and there was no way for me to get rid of them.

They exploded but I wasn’t killed (somehow)

In the third dream…Ugh. I can’t recall anymore. I asked my room mate because I remember mentioning it to him, but he’s trying to remember at the moment either… I just know it was another dream with my life on the line somewhere.

EDIT (01 Feb): SETH TRUMBORE AND FINAL FANTASY VII. I was in a bar type place and one of the songs from FFVII was playing and I saw Seth sitting there and wanted to strike up conversation about the game. There were a lot of interruptions and I never got to actually talk to him about the game. That’s all that comes to mind.

Internets, School


I want to try something new. I’m thinking about a new domain name. My brother is not being much of a help as he won’t even tell me if he wants to renew his domain. “I don’t care,” was his response. I’m just slightly annoyed right now. But I wanted to merge a few things and streamline my online shenanigans.

Where do I begin? Kuro-Shiro has been around for a while and it’s been my little net. At the same time, that was more generated in my Japan Addict phase and doesn’t reflect me as much now (plus, no one can remember the name.) Where do I go?

I’m not sure how hard it will be to switch things over to a new domain or where I even want to go. My whole hosting thing expires this year too (bummer) so it’s time to think some things out. What’s in a name?

I haven’t done much with the site, but webmail is Google based, which is super sweet. All the Gmail I want Smile

There’s been a lot of spark lately too. Trying to get back into the flow of what I used to do, a lot of people have been doing a photo thing. Ex. Project 365. Yinga is so inspirational; just reading the things in her life make me either jealous of her or just feel bad that I’m nowhere near that. But there’s this 30-day challenge that some girls in Omega have been doing and so I want to. For a while now. Probably happened somewhere after stormtrooper 365 (LOVE Stéfan’s work, btw) and Jamie’s photo a day gig.

School, for just starting, is kind of rough. I’m having a hard time transitioning and actually being motivated to do anything. Things I should be doing vs. the things I rather be doing. There’s a lot going on in my head, and I would love to just have some more time. I could go on for days, but who needs that.

Little secret: in my less than chipper moods, I get some really outrageous ideas. I was feeling a little more towards miserable the other day and was looking into a new toy…a macbook. Don’t judge. I have this tendency to take forever to make a decision, but as soon as I do, I’m so set where I can’t let myself change that thought. I have been so Anti-Mac my entire life, but it’s still a new toy.

There’s so much I should be doing.

General, School


#AGoodWoman knows true worth comes from who are you, what you do, and how you treat people, not how big you make your breasts or booty.

That’s good to know. What’s the kicker is that it came from a man.

Today Yesterday is was Amanda’s birthday. Her 21st. I haven’t seen her in years, but I did hear back when I wished her a happy birthday. Now that I haven’t posted this, I’m late.

I went home after class today to take my mom out for dinner. She’s doing better, but not working too much. So this was like my own belated birthday dinner at Benihana’s. Delicious. I got a Buddha candle and everything. The water heater is also broken at the house so there’s no water. I figured out what needs to be done so I decided to spend the night and help my mom fix it before I have to get to class tomorrow.

There is so much going on it is absolutely ridiculous. Everyone feels the same too. Our minds are blown. shot. Done.

I could whine about a few more things, but I should get to my nap now since I need to get up early to fix the water and then get back to the city. Crap. The 80s party is tonight and I have jack to wear. Ut oh.


Fuck You, Vevo

I remember when YouTube used to not have commercials. I understand that it needs to be able to support itself as a free service, but this just pisses me off.


Thank you, Vevo. Let me repost what I have come across from other Youtubers:

Dear Vevo,

Let me start by saying, get your corporate asses off YouTube! Ever since these big companies started paying off YouTube so they could post their friggin videos we can’t post ours. We are flagged for infringement every time we include a song we like in our videos.

This is YOUtube, the place where we can post OUR videos. If we wanted to listen to music from you wed go to your damn website.To people who want greedy corporates gone thumbs up and copy this on Vevo vids.

I just wanted to watch a lovely Cheryl Cole music video. I can watch Parachute, which I do like a lot, but I thought it was funny how I couldn’t find anything on Promise This, which was released 4 months ago. Find it on the side bar and bam. Vevo.

A lot of people have been doing the tumblr scene lately and that’s cool and all, but I feel somewhat offended for all my history and time I put into what it used to be. But a part of everyone else makes me want to bring mine back. I keep saying it, but I want to try.