

I can’t believe it. It’s Monday morning. 9 May 2011. I have completed my third year of school, which means that I am finally half way there.  I’m sitting in Acura at the moment getting some maintenance on my car and updating my phone to a later update of CM7. Love gingerbread, but I hope maybe this has something do with my compass being off it’s ass.

My phone is currently syncing right now so I have all the time to write.  I’m starting work tomorrow full time-ish. 4 days a week every week and every other weekend on top of that; this means I’m alternating between working 4 and 6 days a week. Until I get fully trained and can handle my own, it can get a little slow at the time. I was with Jenn and Blue over the weekend and I picked up my first pair of scrubs! I don’t know why that’s so exciting, but I am so happy about it. 3 pairs, but I might want to get some more scrub tops so mix and match (and also not wear the same thing all the time). 

Well Speaking of Blue, that’s Jenn’s cousin from Texas. She’s here for a month and we’re trying to show her around and give her this phenomenal experience in the area. Here’s to the best month ever only because we kids here have done it all already. Now there’s a reason to actually  do something.

I’m gonna put this computer away at the moment so I can fix all the settings on my phone.

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