I’m such a whore.
I’m not even sure why I keep writing about all these people. Yes, I’ve been talking with a number of people from OKC and there’s a lot more good people out there than you’d think. Maybe a little strange that they’re all strangers on the internet.
Latest update? I haven’t heard anything from K since. Kind of bummed, but what do I really have to be attached to? It’s nice to have the attention (let’s be real) and get along as friends do, but we’ve known each other a few weeks.
Same applies for M. Like Money Penny 😛 We’ve only been chatting the weekend and actually went out yesterday. There’s that non-stop chatter between us. If we’re counting, I spent about 19 hours with him yesterday (into today). We went out for a late lunch in which the bartender took his card over my money (unbelievable). Walked a little and sat on Kelly Drive for a bit, just talking about everything and watching geese. Then I really had to pee and his place was a lot closer than mine so we went there.
Ended up watching Archer, and The Walking Dead, followed by mindless TV movies (Star Trek). Somewhere around 3-4am he wanted to lay down- still didn’t sleep though. Talked all through 8am when he dropped me off at my place so I could get to class.
I showered after class and crashed until 4pm-ish. Made dinner (all I had in 24 hours was that mac and cheese from Liberties– delicious, by the way). Just got back from an Omega meeting now and I have to study for my exam tomorrow.
Overall it’s been a really nice weekend but this upcoming week is going to kill me (and the next) but then it’ll be spring break and I’ll have some time to catch up and calm down. In the mean time, I have shit to do, but I’m really liking this latest distraction. 🙂
Ps. I got mirena placed!