Home, Winter

Twenty One Days Left

I went out and bought some things.  I feel like such a girl right now. I’m debating returning things though- since I don’t know if I can justify the purchases beyond “I want them.”  Plus, there are other things I also want that may just outrank these.  Fashion or toys?

I have a car appt. Wednesday, and Amanda is also having a Christmas Party 🙂 I have to find some cheap gift for that.  I’m working on an outfit too, but that’s still more spending. Haha.

I went out to dinner with my mom, brother, family friend, her daughter and Dave (not my Dave. Dan’s Dave.) Side note. When I met my Dave, I told Jenn that he reminds me of other Dave, and the voice has similarities (they both went to the same school too…weird.)  Anyway. Dinner was good. I like being in good company.

Went home, and fell asleep for 5 hours maybe. Oops. I didn’t think I would end up like that. But I’m up now (at 2:34am) and not doing much.  I was talking to Jenn and OKC was brought up again…

I had been meaning to check my inbox, not to see what messages are in there, but more to look back.  Specifically, I wanted to see what day exactly I started talking to D and all. For the record. I sent the first message June 10, 2009, and received a response June 11, 2009. Picked up again around the 26th, and then of course began IM.  I don’t recall when that happened exactly. I know we chatted 4th of July for sure, but I don’t know if there was IM contact before that (maybe? IDK anymore).  But it’s all history (even though I no longer have the logs 🙁 )  Oh well.  That’s being official (if that date even matters), but I still hold July 4th the date of dates. Har har har…

I’m gonna head out and get up in the morning to adventure with Jennifer or so.  Ta ta for the time being!

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