General, Winter

Road Less Traveled

It’s been a pretty wild few days now.  I choose wild because some days are super eventful as others have nothing to them.

I missed the ball drop into 2010. Oops. But its ok- it’ll happen next year, right? Haha. Anyway. Missy had a little get together, and we also all went to go see Avatar in IMAX.  It was a good time.  I am a huge fan of Sam Worthington, so it was well worth it XD

At about 5:30am this morning, I awoke to drive my mother off to work so that I may have the car.  At approximately 7:00am, I arrived at Rob‘s house to pick him up.  We met his mother at the cafe and had a nice long breakfast.  After that, Rob and I began a long trip out to Pittsburgh.  There was some pretty terrible weather, but it wasn’t too bad.  There were po along the way (yuck).  Then we arrived, finally.

It was nice to get out of the car. I did my hair in his room. Rich and his girl friend came up and they are adorable.  Then I met Rob‘s BFF Nick.  Hung out for a while…did some groceries.Finally, my big journey was to begin.  I headed north for eerie Erie o_O! GASP.

The snow got worse and was in and out of horrendous.  As I got to the actual city though, all the snow stopped falling and disappeared off the ground.  No way. I parked and rang Dave‘s doorbell 🙂 This is where I am now and will be for a few days (but hush hush…family doesn’t know about this.)  Should they read this, they can call me.

He made dinner, which is super nice and it smells delicious, but I’m not feeling too hungry just yet.  I’m just pretty exhausted from the traveling and my lack of sleep prior to leaving (max of 2.5 hours).  We watched a pile of Aqua Teen Hunger Force too.

Why am I sitting here on the floor blogging you ask? Dave is in med school. He studies his ass off.  Free time is over and it’s time to get cracking.  I’m just the company- dirtying dishes and warming the floor, couch and bed 😉

I’m working on making a calendar for my mom.  Set up a super nice one but they want almost 30 for it. I am going to try to find a cheaper one before I commit.  Now, in the mean time, I should try to find something to do for tomorrow while Dave‘s in class.  You know- besides rummaging and snooping around his apartment… JK. I can’t even touch his phone nonetheless go through his things.  We’ll see what happens though.

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