
A Movtive

I wish I could get studying right now. I have about 5 hours to catch up on before I start reviewing (and this is just one class!) I told myself that I need to get through at least the one hour before I could let myself shower. Small steps here.

Lenny and I have this issue about motivation. We care about school and want this pretty future, but there isn’t something spectacular driving us. Why should I care? I wish I cared more. I don’t need to strive for a 4.0- that’s not realistic, too time consuming and I would honestly go into a coma from the overload. Besides, the kid with the 2.3 is still in the program and probably still has a life.

I watched a lot of Wong Fu earlier. I still want to make it big on the internet, but maybe another time. More pictures uploaded from Halloween and Fall Fest. I’m actually in the city on a Saturday night. That’s weird. I have the potential to get things done- I just rather be doing so many other things.

I did a girl’s night last night with Georgeanne, Amy, and Jenn. There was a lot of venting and I didn’t say much, but I also get really emotion for no reason (which would have made a bigger mess- not necessary). I can’t say I know what’s going on with D; there are some emails that weren’t responded to (there have been known events where he did not receive them, but other events where he didn’t get to them immediately). I don’t know whats up, but I figure at this point, I’ll leave him be. He’s busy. I was really hoping to get to go out there this month, but at this rate- who knows. I don’t want to push anything (leading up to last time was terrible).

Ideally, I can focus on studies. We both can. I hope to jeebus I get things done. After Tuesday, there are no more MAJOR exams, so that’s a relief. Time to catch up on life…and sleep.

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