So I have successfully complete my first year of college. About 3 weeks ago, now. I had a week off and I started my summer classes u_u I have an exam and a lab practical on Thursday, and I’ve been terribly distracted.
I have a need for technology. I feel out of the loop if I’m not up to date. One of my larger vices is cell phones x_x Reflecting back, I’ve had *counts*7 phones? I think that’s about right. Always hunting and dreaming, Sony had this phone that was in the works for the longest time. How I craved that piece of art.
Sony Ericsson Xperia X1.
Well it is officially in the mail and makes phone #8. I keep looking up mods and all the fun things about this phone. I hope it’s as great as they say!
With that, I should really get to my studies since my exam is in…um, 2 days 🙁 Wish me luck. I have tons of crazy updates to add later!