Last night was craaaazyyy. Floor Hockey. Done.
I have to finish at least this one lecture, and I’m tired so I will probably nap after. But so much to catch up on.
Have you read Hyperbole and a Half, btw?
Last night was craaaazyyy. Floor Hockey. Done.
I have to finish at least this one lecture, and I’m tired so I will probably nap after. But so much to catch up on.
Have you read Hyperbole and a Half, btw?
That’s not a word. I made it up! It’s me dabbling in a lot of stuff, and it’s the season that is giving back (Blizzard). There’s a bit I want to update on, but I promised myself I would at least get through 2 hours of this silly biochem lecture before anything. What’s happening that I don’t want to do anything?
See you after lecture.
Edit//23 October, 11:55am
Ok, so I didn’t come back. My brother, Mike and I sat around watching a bit of Diablo III and the Costume & Dance competition. It was pretty awesome. I have a new appreciation for Jay Mohr. Hehe. Some of the costumes weren’t as special, but other ones were pretty sweet. I would love to cosplay some time, but only if I can make it awesome. All or nothing. I still think about doing Tifa from AC, but I don’t have the body for that (although I’m better than I was before).
I’m currently sitting in Acura getting some work done on the car. I got through my anatomy Immunology lecture, so it’s been good. I have about 15 minutes left here.
The only other thing that is worth mentioning is that I have some infection? The corners of my mouth are ridiculously uncomfortable (no severe pain, a little dry but more so just stiff and inelastic) and I may be having an allergic reaction on top of that causing my lips to swell and itch. Not sure if it’s the stuff I’m using to treat this possible [angular cheilitis]. Hate my body. Not so much in the “I’m sooo fat and will never love myself” but the fact that I have so many body fails with allergies and incompatibilities with living in general. I hate being allergic to so many things.
There are so many things going on right now.
1. School. Nuff said (for now).
I have been browsing various site on my numerous breaks and I want to redesign this again. I want to merge my online doings (Twitter for one, and possibly Blogger for my on the go photo posting). I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.
There are many times at school when I get so stressed and worked up that I don’t have any recollection of my dreams by the time I do start sleeping. This is why I love being at home. Free to Dream
I was running down 113 with a few people, each with our own transport (I had almost like a clear plastic skateboard and other people had their own cars. There is construction by the light at Wambold and I swerve a little. There’s a tree laying in the road and I see a small cut through that I attempt to go in, but I get stuck. I’m trying to break branches to get through, but the other cars just pass me since I’m not getting out. Eventually everyone passes and there’s no one left at the intersection. I get myself out, and this guy comes up in a car, parks in the intersection, gets out and asks if I need help. I broke my skateboard in the tree and had no way to get anywhere. Suddenly we are in my neighborhood at home by Hopewell, and I walk over to his car. the trunk is popped, and he’s walking towards his house. I wonder if he’s letting me have his car. But then I call him over and ask what I’m supposed to do.
He grabs a piece of wood and breaks it into 2 pieces in the trunk. Takes a tiny piece that broke off and drives it into the larger piece and he starts a fire. He lays it down in the trunk and walks away. I’m looking at it but then it starts to die. I call him again, not knowing who he is, and I’m trying to figure out what’s going on. He said that I know how to take care of it and it’ll be ok. I start blowing on it like Amanda’s dad taught me. I keep the fire going for a bit.
Next scene, I’m in the guy’s house and I’m playing with his little boy that’s running around the house. We’re in his room, the TV is on and some interesting graphic up on the wall (almost a house drawing, but very crude with dots pointed out in certain places. Apparently there was some kid trying to find something and open a gateway to some place and this wall had something to do with it. We’re just hanging out, me and this 4 year old. Later, we can’t find his dad or mom. Searching the house but no signs. I finally ask the kid to check his email to see if maybe they said something. There was a lot of junk, but towards the end, he’s reading to me that his dad and his mom found the gate and they went through.
I’m clarifying with the kid that his parents were together so it wasn’t 3 separate adventures we were hunting, but parents (1) and kid (2). The little boy told me that he highlighted some of the dots that were definitely important in this gate, but I had no idea how we were going to get this. Kinda reminds me of TRON and Beetlejuice (movie). I was thinking that I’d be epic for me and this kid to figure it out and be heroes.
The next part of my dream I was going around a mall, getting familiar with everything (Dead Rising 2)
Then I met up with a group of people, like in a class. We were hanging out for something, but I remember being sent off in a group. We were looking for people, and we got to this house. Adults were there and a fight broke out. Some people were already shot, and then the one guy, after helping the people, pulled out his gun and shot all the adults. As he was leaving, he saw me standing there and I pleaded not to shoot any of us and to let us live. He had the door slightly open, began to lower his head and his gun, but then looked at me, shot me, and walked out. It hit me 3 fingers below midclavicle. I was in such shock. I looked down, and there was this bullet hole. It looked clean, like the speed of the bullet entered, but my skin around it was elastic enough to kind of close off the wound so it wasn’t open. I found a mirror to look at my back and see if the bullet came out. There was a mark where my skin was tearing, but the bullet was still there, almost out. I go over to the girl sitting on the floor and she’s like, “Oh my G, are you ok?!” She was almost hysterical. I look back down, and I told her that it wasn’t that bad/I thought it was a lot worse. She had a stray bullet hit her leg, but it was through and through. I ended up having 3 bullets total. One in my right bicep that did not go through and another that was on my left side, but I don’t remember where. I just know it was through and through.
Might add more later- those were big points of the night.
What if I said I think I am falling in love with you?