Dreams, Health, Home

Doctor Doctor

First off, I had the weirdest sick dream last night. It was dirty (raunchy) and included Lenny, and some girl that may or may not have been Amanda. Let me just say that I might be able to understand how Lenny is gay, and that I’m not really into the girl scene. I don’t really want to go into too much more with this. Ew.

I went home last night for a doctor’s appointment earlier today. Since I’m a new patient we did a past medical history and talked a bit. She feels that one of my major conditions that could be effecting the rest of me is depression. I expressed concerns of a thyroid condition so she did draw blood for testing. That makes me feel better. I also got my flu shot while I was in there.

Funny thing with the flu shot. Lately, my “sciatica” has been great/nonexistent. Wasn’t going to say anything. About an hour after my appointment, I was sitting in the kitchen and all of a sudden, it started kicking in. My lower back and hips are going in and out with this panging sore pain. Not cool. I’m leaning the shot as cause, but I can’t say with certainty.

So I got a prescription for Lexapro (escitalopram), copay of $50 (no generic yet- March!). Ouch. I was really upset with that, but I looked up the approximate retail cost which came about to just under $120. Makes me feel better about what I was spending, but I’m still not happy about it. Then again, we also discussed in class how it can cost of up $1.7 BILLION just to bring a single drug into market. I get it costs a lot, but *frown*. We’ll see how it goes in the follow up and or when generic pops out.

Hm. I forgot to mention how I got in to see the school psychologist yesterday. Spent about an hour in a pre-in clinic. A lot of questions and they’ll get back to me to determine whether or not I should be seen at the school or be referred somewhere else. They’re really nice about it, so we’ll see how that goes. How crazy am I? I’ll keep you posted.

London, School

Fun Facts

So in my Nonprescription Therapeutics class, he has us coming up by last name and sharing a fun fact to the class. I think it’s a fascinating idea to learn more about my colleagues, but I’ve been thinking about this for a bit (on and off). One girl saved a life of a friend, and someone is a professional cake decorator. That’s pretty cool and I would love to have something neat.

Lenny suggested I talk about my photo publishing in London. That was a pretty neat idea. I was going to go with that one until just recently.  I sent someone to jail while I was in London too! Haha. I have to word it just right so it’s concise and not just be being a bitch. He (and his wife) were criminals. It’s like my good deed.

I’m between the two. London was just a fabulous experience. What’s more exciting- sending someone to jail or getting a picture of Megan Fox published in a book?

Friends, Home

Sly Devil

Clever girl. It’s almost October and many things coming up. In keeping with the theme, I’m working on the annual birthday box. The first one was so incredibly themed…I don’t think I can top that. So third annual box is a collection of goodies, slightly different than last year’s box of goodies. I had some other birthday ideas but they don’t come in a box. Idea. Polaroid? Haha. Just jotting thoughts. He’s just one topic that can make me smile through almost anything 🙂

But another moment. Yolei. That’s someone I didn’t mean to grow apart from. I made contact. Try it. Go rekindle an old flame of a friend. Dare you.


Dead Phone

Today is one of them slow days. The D thing didn’t happen but I was doing things anyway. But back to slow.

It’s one of those days where no one texts or responds. My phone has been so inactive I get nervous that ATT cut my service or something. I keep feeling like my phone isn’t sending or people aren’t receiving. Freaks me out, but then I don’t want to think about it as my unpopular day. This is the -people are sick of my bullshit day. Haha.

It’s really not that big of a deal; its just going from always having communication/responses with/from people to none, its an adjustment. I’m just not used to it.

I’m sitting at the buffet with my mom. Ran intobsome old family friends. Noted my weight loss. Same old. I’m trying to break in these heels though and so I’m much taller today. It wouldn’t be so bad if I weren’t in a chinese place where I’m already a head taller than they. What’s another 3 some inches.


Next Time

D is headed out tomorrow- earlyish. Ideally, I’d meet him at a pit stop along the way just so I can see him before he’s gone. This would be the first time I’ve seen him on the east coast since I met him (2+ years ago)…and also the first time since about January 6 of this year. I’m optimistic in the sense that I’d kill to see this kid…but I’m doubtful that it’ll work out since my master plans always fall apart.

There’ was something I wanted to show him. This boy lives and breathes Philadelphia; there’s a magnificent view of it at night from a bridge by my place. I would have loved to take him there- but there was just never time. I took pictures of it once night, and I just wrote an email to him and attached the pictures. A little something for going away.  By the end of the email, I felt like I was writing a farewell. I know that this isn’t goodbye- it never is. It just bums me out like I’ll never see him again.  I probably should be so attached or care this much, but I do.

I’ve pretty much come down to this decision right now.  I’m dropping the topic. It’s the only good thing I can do right now. I’m always pushing topics and ideas to see him. I’m sure some would say that if he wanted to see me or something, he’d make some time or maybe have a little more effort. Any other situation I would agree, but this is different. I honestly believe that. I’m not hanging on to the high hope that I’ll see him any time soon (as much as I would love that), so in a sense maybe the email was a farewell. Farewell for now. If he happens to say something tomorrow, then I’ll be ecstatic, but whatever. Things will happen if they’re supposed to happen. Things have a time, and I’m going to kick patience in the ass.

Side note. I broke the left click button on my laptop again. It works when I push on it, but it doesn’t spring back up as a “button” anymore. This is the second time the exact thing happened. The only thing different is that my computer is no longer under warranty.  Damn broken rubbers.