
Bridges Burned

I was running down this long wooded path when I get a fair warning about running into the giant rodent infestation by the bridge.  I didn’t know what to expect, but I eventually made it to a giant covered bridge and was on my way through when there was a giant blockage and there was no way through. They were giant rats, pillars and rocks. As I stepped into the bridge, my feet caused it to shake and so I turned around to get out of there. I was getting really freaked out.

I run back out to find Kelsey going in to investigate. I tell her what’s there and not to go in because it is not safe, but she goes against what I say.  I’m standing in the clearning on a slight hill and just hear her jumping around, purposely shaking and disrupting the bridge.  Eventually the trebles get so great that the bridges begins to crack and some of it starts slipping.  Despite the bridge beginning to fall apart and catching her off guard, it does not stop her, and she keeps going. The bridge eventually sharts to shake some more pieces are falling.

The entire bridge soon gives way and she falls in with the mess and is screaming for my help.  I run over trying to find where she is, but by the time I get there, I can still hear here but just seem some arms coming out through the massive rocks that have filled in the area. I grab her and pull her out though.

In another scene, there’s a surprise party being planned for someone, and I was there sooner than most people.  It was actually a surprise to the non-recipient 😛 But I hung out for a while, just to see what I could help out with and not really stay for the party. I walk out with a group of people, but on the way out, there’s this Silver Acura Integra that i spot. I’m looking at the license plate – its JARED! I get so excited and I rush over to the driver door.  He notices me and rolls down the window and we start chatting up.  He’s there for the surprise party (as there is a group of people walking out from another area there for the party as well) and I told him about who was already there and to have fun.


Kiss Kiss

My brother and I were at Pizza Hut. Again, I know. But we got an order of breadsticks and something. The bill came and I handed her a 10. She started counting change and what not, but then I realized I never saw the actual check and asked if that was enough. She replied, it covers the check but all you need is the tip now. I didn’t care so I was like, Ok! I’m going through my purse trying to find a few dollar (since the check wasn’t that much and I figure why not- she was nice).

She’s a cute girl; reminds me of one of the OLs at my school (weird). But She takes a seat across from me and my brother is off to the side somewhere.  I pull out some fives, and I’m only looking for singles. I pull out some other bills: hundred dollars, two-hundred dollars, tens. Only 1 one.  I pull out a movie ticket and my brother is suddenly in awe. He’s like, “You have a ticket?!” and I was thinking, they’re at Costco, so it’s not a big deal. He explains that the original Beast from Beauty and the Beast is back performing and doing some final shows and this is our last chance. I tell him that I can get more tickets if he wants to see it. I love Beauty and the Beast, so I didn’t mind at all.

There are about 7 cell phones that I pulled out along with everything else, but still no singles. Finally, someone gets the genius idea to break a five x_x Wow. So we took care of that.

We’re outside, myself, my brother and this waitress girl. They’re all talking and I figure, hey! Why don’t I invite her to see Beauty with us. Tickets come in pairs, and I already have one, so we’d have 3.  Then they’re all talking and my brother is looking at her and says, “Why don’t you just hurry up and kiss me.” Something like that. But they’re both eyes closed and puckered, except not facing each other. What a mess, so I’m kinda there guiding them to each other (awkward). After the first kiss something, she makes this face (I’m thinking it was a bad one or something) but then they keep going. Tongue and all. So I left them there for a moment. We were starting to leave, everyone in the car when the girl says, “What about Kelsey?” I sigh. I forgot about her. I call her to find out where she is, and she’s in the house. Dumbass. She gets down to the 2nd floor where Kaitlyn and Brittney are.  She whispers something to them, which I could hear, and she was about to dismount from the 2nd floor. She makes a hard landing and we’re all calling her stupid because there was a giant box with a beam coming out of it. She could have easily gotten onto the box, and then from the box to the ground easily. Nope. No logic in her.

There was another dream where I’m in a hospital type environment. I remember running by the dad in Malcolm in the Middle (also Breaking Bad) and he was trying to pass as a doctor. He was good with his terms about kidney stones and tachycardia, but some people didn’t buy his act. Even so, they went along with it.  My portion of this was more of a straight walk to get somewhere. There was a lot of stuff in the way, but I get to the end of the path, and there’s a box at the bottom. I look up the steep slope and I start trekking up.  I get about 5 feet from the top and the slope is just too much for me. I’m barely hanging on by the ledge, and there is all this stuff (boxes and such). If I move one of the boxes, the rest will move, and I’m already holding a few that have fallen on me.  I look at the top and see some people moving things around and ask them how I can get up there.  The kid replies, “Well you could probably just make some rules.” Rules. Like in Kings! So I made myself a rule about how if I could get up there, I’d be allowed to move the boxes out of the way. I pushed a whole stack of toys and boxes to find a step! I sit on the step, place some of the things that fell on me into nooks to hold, and I get to the top.

There was another dream that was really significant to me, but now I’m not remembering anymore…


The Hut

I remember being at Pizza Hut with Jenn, 2 guys and maybe a little kid. We’re sitting there enjoying food and chat. There was this smaller asian waiter guy walking around taking orders, and we had our guy. Not too far from us was this gut sitting by himself eating. He looked kinda weird in the lonely disturbed manner, but we weren’t going to have interaction.  On the other end of the dining room, there was a table of asian guys that were kinda being jackasses and a table of 2 guys in the back.

With that table, the one guy was being very suspicious. He left the building for a little while. I decided to get some air, but I saw that he had just killed someone! I started going back in but then i see outside there was the creepy loner guy with the dead asian waiter laying across his booth! He looked at me and started saything how he didn’t mean for it to happen, but he just couldn’t control it. There was that sign of remorse, but I was still scared.

I get back inside and take a seat on the other end, and the person I was sitting next to was like “Aw, now I have to sit over in this corner by myself. That’s lame.” But I was sitting there just freaking out at what I just saw. The table of asian guys were kinda mocking me and Jenn told me about it, but I didn’t care because it was serious. I kept trying to recall the 2 guys incase I would have to  pick them out from a line-up or just share what I knew.  I kept imagining seeing these missing persons flyers and knowing exactly what happened to them.

We left at some point and ended up at the the suspicious guy’s house. We ran into his dad and started talking to him. We asked him about his garbage that was sitting out and suddenly he was like, I don’t remember having all this trash. He starts pulling up bags and towards the bottom is a foreign garbage bag. We pull that out and laying inside was a body. The body.

I don’t remember what happend after, but I went into another dream. We were in my house and there was a little kid, Johnny and Missy, others (unclear).  I had my legs resting out on this other chair and the little kid was playing around. He started approaching me and I asked him if he thought he could jump over my legs.  He took a running start and cleared it. It was pretty cool for a tiny kid.  Bad idea for babysitting though.  Then I see Johnny doing some ridiculous dumb stuff and I start filming, as I do. The recording was through a little cup (weird) and so we were watching the playback through the cup (like reading tea leaves in Harry Potter).  We enjoyed it. It was a good laugh.  I had another dream and came back to this one and wanted to show Johnny and Missy because they missed it earlier, but then we started getting distracted and didn’t even get to see it.

The third dream, I remember there was me, some guy, a woman and her husband or boyfriend, some minor others.  The guy and woman were having an affair, but she didn’t love her hubo (thats my hubby boyfriend abbrev.) anymore and they were going to tell him tonight about it.  We had set up a christmas tree earlier, but someone said we should move it out to the entry way of the house.  The chick thought that was the perfect time to get him out there by themselves and tell him.  As we’re moving the tree, some things start falling off and we have to re-do them.  But then she finally tells him, and he wasn’t shocked. I’m standing there the whole time working on this tree. A little girl is helping me, and we’re pulling these metal things off that no longer have branches. Something, there’s more but I can’t remember.

Dreams, Uncategorized

Drive Night

I remember dreaming that I remembered this dream and so I’m writing this.

We were in a department store, there was Amy Y., Megan P., Mr. Tucker, some guys.  Amy pulled this sweater off the rack and was saying how good of a fit it would be.  She gave it to me to hold, and then Mr. Tucker wanted to check the size of it, and his was a medium, and I thought Amy‘s was, but then Tucker said hers was a large. I checked it and it in fact a large.

At this point in my dream, I remembered having my other dream and wanted to write it down as soonas possible, so then I ‘woke up’ in my dream to write down what was happening.  my laptop was moved to the ledge by my bed and I was typing it in. Then I fell back into the dream.

As I was thinking about the size, this guy comes over and starts asking Tucker if he can make requests yet. The cashier lady was actually a DJ and people were requesting. Tucker told him to hold off until she got her groove going, but people already were readying to start making requests.

I had to go to the bathroom at this point, so I went in, but the first thing I did was step in this puddle. I wouldn’t have noticed if I were wearing shoes…or socks Haha. So then I don’t remember ever peeing, but I needed toilet paper to clean off my foot.  I couldn’t find a roll that was good; they were all kinda laying around in a less than great condition.   But then I noticed a plain roll in the back. I start pulling, but the holder wouldn’t hold, and it became a hassle.  So i grabbed the closer one which had Naughty Or Nice written all over it in green and red.  I wipe my foot and put it in the toilet. These 2 other girls were now there with me, and the water starts moving before I flush it, and it looked kinda cool. But then I really flushed it and was on my way.

The next scene is actually the previous one; I remember something about Jenn M.’s parents and needing her to get home.  It seems like we were coming back from Philadelphia, but by then we were already on Cowpath. We were in the car for a bit, but then as we got to the intersection, we were no longer in the car.  We figured that we could just walk down the road.  One van was coming up behind us and passed us when I noticed that it looked a lot like Steve L.’s family’s van.  The van pulls into a driveway and Steve’s dad walks out.  Jenn wanted to stop in because she HAD to see Steve, so we did.

We’re walking over and I tell Jenn that she can’t just walk into his house, so she runs over to this patio that the have, except that the patio was like a real enclosed house, except it was missing a wall. I guess that makes it an [adirondack] (Mr. Riefenstahl told us that, but I’m looking it up now, and it’s not coming up) 😛   Anyway, it’s a house that’s missing a wall. But it was freezing outside, so I was sitting on the hardwood floor, legs hanging off the side watching Jenn. The 3 walls prevented any wind, so I was pretty comfortable. but Jenn was out side of the thing and found a small heating vent. She was pretty excited about that.

We never did see Steve, or get her home. And then at this point or so, Dwyer text’s me and I’m awake.


A Sense of ESP

This morning, my room mate’s alarm went off at 10. I awoke, said my good mornings and went back to bed. Somewhere in between that and 11, I had some small dreams.

The first one involved me checking my email.  I open up my school account and there are a few emails, and one in particular was prom my Sociology professor; he wanted to say something about the final exam that we had due soon.  There were several other emails, but that was the one I remembered.

The other part to the dream was where I was still at the computer but I went to talk to my friend Matt W. I haven’t talked to him in ages, but I was scrolling over everyone’s status on messenger and his was really sad. It was stating his sorrow of a loss; he and his girlfriend just broke up.  I started talking to him and he was telling me about it. I felt bad for the guy. He’s really cool.

One of them, I’m not sure when it took place, was that I was on my cell phone and I found that I was signed onto facebook! I was upset because I’ve gone so long without it, I didn’t want to ruin my steak now 🙁 but that’s ok.  It was just a dream.

When I actually got up and out of bed, it was almost 11. I went to my computer and I was talking with my roomate when I pulled up my email. 1 inbox. From my Sociology teacher. Subject: final exam.  I was sitting there thinking, no way. How does that even happen. I check it and it just said that the exam was posted. So it wasn’t a huge deal.  I go do some things for a little while, but then I come back and start looking at who’s online and such. I look at Matt‘s status and it says Liz’s Birthday. Liz being his girlfriend. I was happy that they’re still happy, but it was still interesting that his status was about her. I don’t know. I’m just making meaning from nothing.

My larger dream before I got up involved card games, and adventures.  I remember driving around, and it led up to something pretty big, but my memory is slipping.

Towards the end of the dream, we began playing with cards on a giant map. It was one guy, myself and this other asian girl.  We were supposed to have 7 cards each, but i notice that the other girl had some more.  And as she gave me her hand to watch while she went off, I realize that she didn’t just have a few extra, she went off with the rest of the deck to finish her game.  We were supposed to finish the game as a group, the way we started, but she was on a frenzy of just placing down cards on the map and such.