General, Love

I Know Something You Don’t Know

I came upon an article about “how to seduce a leo man” (in terms of astrology). Very interesting thing, seeing as MoneyPenny here is a leo himself. Many things accurate within the piece but it’s never perfect.  Then after that bit I looked for my own. How to Seduce a Capricorn Woman. Very fascinating. I give it a moderately high rating of accuracy, but not completely.

I’m just completely thrown off by what’s happening outside of school. Maybe I’m seriously going mad or MoneyPenny might actually be something. I have a lot of stuff going on, and I have not really sacrificed his time, but I’m still getting my work done. What confuses me the most is how he’s in basically the same program as D is but he says nothing of studying or preparing besides just going in for work. What? How do you have time?!

Not that I’m complaining- this is a really nice change of things. I’m just so. in awe of it all.

This rash can go to hell though. I just want it to get better. It’s a little early for my prednisone today so I’m still waiting. I took my exam earlier and now I’m hanging out melting my brain…and talking with the moneypenny 🙂

General, Love, School

Alexander Pope

I’m such a whore.

I’m not even sure why I keep writing about all these people. Yes, I’ve been talking with a number of people from OKC and there’s a lot more good people out there than you’d think. Maybe a little strange that they’re all strangers on the internet.

Latest update? I haven’t heard anything from K since. Kind of bummed, but what do I really have to be attached to? It’s nice to have the attention (let’s be real) and get along as friends do, but we’ve known each other a few weeks.

Same applies for M. Like Money Penny 😛 We’ve only been chatting the weekend and actually went out yesterday. There’s that non-stop chatter between us. If we’re counting, I spent about 19 hours with him yesterday (into today). We went out for a late lunch in which the bartender took his card over my money (unbelievable). Walked a little and sat on Kelly Drive for a bit, just talking about everything and watching geese. Then I really had to pee and his place was a lot closer than mine so we went there.

Ended up watching Archer, and The Walking Dead, followed by mindless TV movies (Star Trek). Somewhere around 3-4am he wanted to lay down- still didn’t sleep though. Talked all through 8am when he dropped me off at my place so I could get to class.

I showered after class and crashed until 4pm-ish. Made dinner (all I had in 24 hours was that mac and cheese from Liberties– delicious, by the way). Just got back from an Omega meeting now and I have to study for my exam tomorrow.

Overall it’s been a really nice weekend but this upcoming week is going to kill me (and the next) but then it’ll be spring break and I’ll have some time to catch up and calm down. In the mean time, I have shit to do, but I’m really liking this latest distraction. 🙂

Ps. I got mirena placed!

Food, General

Happy VD

I’m still the child that likes to call Valentine’s Day as VD, only because what’s not to laugh about VD on Valentine’s 😛 A few updates.

Today is the last day for It expires and since I’ve made this new space, I no longer require it (except I’m not sure about the few things I have yet to bring over?). Goodbye! It’s been a WONDERFUL history, and now I am moving on. Funny though…I know something else with the initials KS 😉

Speaking of…I finally heard from him! He’s had a murderous flu and pretty much been dead to the world. Let’s pretend that I didn’t call up the hospitals looking for him 😛 But that also being said, Lenny also found his way into HUP yesterday. Ruptured cyst but he’s doing ok. Lots of antibiotics now. He’s just the third one I’ve visited in the hospital within a month. I’m starting to think I’m bad luck or something. Eeks.

Alex is watching food shows and it all looks so amazing. I might just have to go out by myself tonight to grab food. Cheese. Ribs. All of it. Who wants to be my date tonight?


Falling In

Here it goes again. I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I already feel so comfortable around you. I know I’m being ridiculous but try to understand. I’ve never felt so wanted or appreciated and I don’t want to lose that now.

He got sick the night after we went out and in the morning confirmed it. I haven’t heard from him since. Don’t leave me hanging. I hope you’re doing ok, but I really miss your company and hope to see and talk to you again soon. I hate to be so attached so soon but it’s been so lonely these past days that they drag on forever.

Phoenix down. Curaga. Whatever it takes. Please.

General, Health, School


A lot has happened. Good. Bad. I’m not sure where to begin.

The biggest news that I could ever write about is D. He’s seeing someone now. He keeps apologizing for the way things turned out, but I don’t hate him for it. Yes it’s the most upsetting social thing in my life ever (dad doesn’t count here), but I still look at him as one of my best friends (and he told me the same). It hurts, but I’m learning to deal.

School is back and stressful as usual. Since the D situation I reactivated my OKC account. I’ve been chatting with a few people who seem to be really nice. It’s a good feeling when someone out there thinks well of you. I actually have a date in less than 10 hours 🙂 We’ll call him K. There’s also S, but that’s still in the works. We’ll see how any of this turns out.

That’s generally my life. Today is Lenny‘s birthday. 22. Big deal 😛 Anyway. I just wanted to update. I’m on duloxetine now, btw. 0/4.