Health, School


I’m never sure how to write out certain abbreviated words. Vege is short for vegetable, but is more pronounced like “vedge/vej”. What was that other example…[example]. My point is, it’s strange how some things don’t match up sound-wise with the spelling when abbreviated orally vs. typographic.

In other news, I just took my first Pharmacotherapeutics exam today. This is the big class that matters. I think it went ok, but confidence is never one to accurately measure success. Luckily, with the “pacing break” (also known as Columbus Day to the rest of the country), I don’t have one of my other stressful classes AND lab this week 🙂 That just means I should probably be well prepared for the upcoming week when I have to get to them. We’ll see.

Besides the exam, there hasn’t been much going on lately. I actually finished reading a leisure book last week or something. Snuff, by Palahniuk. It was a D inspired book but I enjoyed it. Kind of dirty and actually a lot of interesting things. My first Palahniuk book. I am trying this thing where I read a little bit before bed. My next quest: World War Z (before the movie comes out!) I’ve had this one for years but never actually read it. Somewhat another D inspired book. But hey. There’s nothing wrong with reading things that I get influenced by from boys. A Clockwork Orange, one of my favorite books of all time, was only read because Lee mentioned it back in the day. Thank you.

Oh. Vege. One primary reason for this entry is just me taking time off after an exam. There are always things I could be doing. I just choose to take it easy and keep my mind at ease. The medication (or whatever it was) has stopped irritating/hurting my head and I’ve actually been able to get to sleep the past several nights. A true miracle. The only problem is, I still want to sleep all the time. When I say all the time, I mean that this past weekend, I was only up 2-3 hours tops beyond being at work for 8 hours- the rest was sleep.

I am exhausted. BUT. Actually. Going back to D. We have a Skype date this week! Yes yes 🙂 Super excited. Not sure when, but as long as that big exam is over, I’m good to go. It’s supposed to be a study date, I think, but I just can’t stop smiling when I see/talk with him 😀 Seriously. He could replace my meds.

Jimmy and Lenny wanted to set me up on a blind date with some boy that Jimmy goes to school with. Kutztown. Can’t say that idea is thrilling. But  Lenny believes in a full blind date where I get to know nothing about this boy before meeting him. I know I shouldn’t judge on things, but I personally would like to know if I’m taller than him and what his ambitions are. Maybe I am really shallow. I decided against the date all together though. I figured, my heart and mind are so set on D, whether or not it’s completely realistic, I wouldn’t be going into this date open minded. It’s not fair and there’s already someone else I want. It wouldn’t be worth it. “Sorry…you’re nice, but I’m in love with someone else.” Ew. I personally have never felt so strongly about someone, but that does not give me enough reason to use the L word. That should be more of a mutual thing, except I can’t get it off my mind! This last exam aside, I’m still doing well in school so it’s not getting in the way- LET ME HAVE THIS.

Ooh. This entry is long. I guess I have a lot on my mind. Don’t I always though? I’m laying on my bed with my computer. Chilling. Just realizing I’m not on skype or AIM (not good if I wanted to be reached!) Yeah…I will admit, I get lonely. The world flashes happy couples in front of me all the time and I get envious. My day will come, damnit.

Ok. From that last line to this spanned maybe an hour and a half. I got distracted trying to do some stupid code on this blog and wandered the internet. Went onto Google+. I thought I found some people but didn’t. Then I came across Rob‘s profile and linked to his facebook. His wall isn’t very private and he’s most definitely alive. Why am I writing about this now? I went from talking with him on a pretty regular basis- every day- but we haven’t spoken in months. Somewhere since school maybe. Or since he went back to Pittsburgh. Shitty. Yeah. Maybe I should try an outreach thing. I heard on his facebook wall that his phone screen was smashed. Myself not one for facebook wouldn’t know so I can only assume he’s not responding. I know I kept hinting that he replaced me when he moved in with that girl, but this is ridiculous now. He never tried to make contact and I’m stubborn enough to not try. But along those lines again, Matt never responded. Chris doesn’t speak to me anymore. What the hell am I doing wrong? Most of my friends are guys, sure, but something hurts more when it’s only the guys that stop talking to me. No explanation. I just want to know why? I probably want more than just why, but it’s a good start.



Ok. So It’s been 24 hours since I started my med. I just want to go through a few things while I can.

I woke up this morning (after about 4 hours of sleep) not feeling sleepy-tired, but just not into getting out of bed. My sciatica didn’t kick in until class started (figures) but deal. I was trying to take notes but my body just felt weak (the entire way to class). I was able to write, but I couldn’t put any pressure on the pencil. Very strange feeling. If I’m like that again tomorrow, I will probably make up the classes on my own time.

I have small bouts of nausea, but nothing serious. More noticeable is my tendency to feel a little light headed/weak/almost dizzy. I just need to go slow and I’m ok.

The goal of this is that I’m trying to keep up with logging, especially now that I’m going through some of these changes. Where I stand now, I would never consider (suicide) as any option. I could not go through with it- I’m NOT interested in it. It just freaks me out that these medications have that sort of side effect. I don’t understand how this medication would put those thoughts in my head. Hopefully, let’s pray not, if there are changes, someone can catch them or see them. That’s what this log is supposed to do. I just hope I can stay honest on here and admit when I need more help.

Within the past 36 hours, I can say that I have not felt the urge to cry. I’m thinking it’s more a placebo thing, but I haven’t had any particular emotional triggers. Progress. I’m excited. I’m just sick of crying all the time. This is a good change. I just hope it doesn’t hit the other extreme and I stop feeling emotion (doubtful). I just want to sleep now. Le tired.

Dreams, Health, Home

Doctor Doctor

First off, I had the weirdest sick dream last night. It was dirty (raunchy) and included Lenny, and some girl that may or may not have been Amanda. Let me just say that I might be able to understand how Lenny is gay, and that I’m not really into the girl scene. I don’t really want to go into too much more with this. Ew.

I went home last night for a doctor’s appointment earlier today. Since I’m a new patient we did a past medical history and talked a bit. She feels that one of my major conditions that could be effecting the rest of me is depression. I expressed concerns of a thyroid condition so she did draw blood for testing. That makes me feel better. I also got my flu shot while I was in there.

Funny thing with the flu shot. Lately, my “sciatica” has been great/nonexistent. Wasn’t going to say anything. About an hour after my appointment, I was sitting in the kitchen and all of a sudden, it started kicking in. My lower back and hips are going in and out with this panging sore pain. Not cool. I’m leaning the shot as cause, but I can’t say with certainty.

So I got a prescription for Lexapro (escitalopram), copay of $50 (no generic yet- March!). Ouch. I was really upset with that, but I looked up the approximate retail cost which came about to just under $120. Makes me feel better about what I was spending, but I’m still not happy about it. Then again, we also discussed in class how it can cost of up $1.7 BILLION just to bring a single drug into market. I get it costs a lot, but *frown*. We’ll see how it goes in the follow up and or when generic pops out.

Hm. I forgot to mention how I got in to see the school psychologist yesterday. Spent about an hour in a pre-in clinic. A lot of questions and they’ll get back to me to determine whether or not I should be seen at the school or be referred somewhere else. They’re really nice about it, so we’ll see how that goes. How crazy am I? I’ll keep you posted.



I’m just looking for a minute. A minute where my mind is at rest. A minute when I’m not analyzing something, picking something apart, trying to re-do the moment in my mind. I want just a minute where I’m not agonizing over ever last detail. A moment when my emotions aren’t brought over the edge. A time I don’t have to actually think. I want to stop running.

I’m exhausted, and I can’t make it stop.