Health, Home

The Next Stage

This is so hard to keep up with. I go in and out of motivation to keep up, but I have so much to catch up on!

First off, Matt and I have come a long way. We’re almost on our one year (my first! haha) and Valentine’s is also coming up.

I don’t recall if I mentioned it in the last one, but I kind of ruined some of his plans of proposing by calling him out, so he said I’d have to wait until at least the one year point.  I took him to Milan J to show him the ring I want. It’s beautiful, and guess what. He liked it!  We started the process of moving out of the apartment and if we can get out of the lease early, he said he’s taking the money to buy my ring. Now he’s just planning a way to do it without me catching on.

We find out on the 11th if he will get matched and that will tell us if we end up in Scranton, Virginia or West Virginia. Should he not get matched, he’s getting scrambled into who knows where. But as soon as we find out, I am finished this house hunting.

I’ve been also trying to keep away from wedding planning because I get so caught up in it all. I like nice things and I just want to go wild. It’s so exciting, but we don’t have the resources to do everything I want. I need to tone it down since I just take everything too far. I find out the best ideas or even the coolest ways to propose, but that only limits him on how he can do it since I’ve seen more ideas than he has.

I’m currently sitting around watching Archer season 3. I’ve forgotten how nice graphics looks with my box.  I’ve had it here on my desk for so long since I don’t want to carry it around.

Speaking of office, I’ve been thinking about my career. I really like the idea of being able to work from home. Some reason, if I don’t find my way into medical school, I have considered a computer role. Getting back into webdesign or or graphic design perhaps. I love the flexibility of working on my own time and if we had kids, I could spend the time to raise them, take to recitals and practice!

Haha. Kids. Who knows where I am going. I just really like the idea of my future more than actually acting on it. It’s easier to dream. I’ve been going to the gym lately, but it’s so tough. Keeping up for slow progress is not very encouraging. My heart is better and I don’t get winded as easily, but I can’t stay motivated. I weigh myself and it goes up. My pants are starting to get tight, even though I am doing my work of exercising. I just hope this is the muscle growth phase before the fat starts to melt.

I’m trying. This is so difficult for me.

Drugs, Health, Home

Emergency Month

Here goes. It’s been a long time since I’ve updated (not as long as I’ve ever gone though). To update things where we left off, I have decided not to go back to school. I just started prozac a few days ago, and I have no idea what I’m doing.

There hasn’t been too much more beyond that. I keep feeling terrible about myself but I’m trying to change that. On a fun note, I had some extra lobster meat (yeah, more lobster than I knew what to do with) so I pulled up a recipe for Lobster Mac & Cheese.


This upcoming month, Matt will be living at home to do his emergency medicine rotation. He asked if I would go with him and spend the month up there. I couldn’t sleep last night but I was also thinking of all the things I could do. His brother will be at school and then he, his mother and step-dad will all be at work so I will have the place to myself. I would like to make this my opportunity to do something good for myself. They have an elliptical and resistance band machine in the basement, but they also live on a resort so there’s opportunity for me to go out for runs, biking and such. There’s a pool but I’m not a fan of the public, and you need a membership for the actual gym there. I am hoping that I can pretend someone reads this and upload my progress to help myself stay on track and get myself back. It’s a lot easier to imagine things than actually do them. Maybe I’ll read a book on the trail and take some pictures while I’m out there.

I decided against the humiliating option to take a picture of myself to see the before and after. I might just take the scale with me.

Speaking of reading, I’ve been on the reddit funnies a lot. It’s a good way to pass the time, honestly. There’s a mix of the immature witty sarcastic AND intelligent humor. Ok. So I need to start packing and find food. I’ll come back to update again later.

Home, School


Oh what a week! No exams this week so I had some more time to myself. I got test results back from my doctor which confirmed that I do not have a thyroid condition, but I do have a Vitamin D deficiency. Funny how in class we discussed that it’s fairly uncommon just because we emphasize it so much in this society- oops. I guess I missed the memo.

D had (had) a huge exam today so we had to postpone the skype date. I did get to talk to him a little this morning which was nice. I hate seeing this bring him down. But I believe in him.

The biggest news for the week. We got a dog. Lenny and I have been thinking about it for  a while now and finally expanded our family. It’s like having kids, except I don’t have to send her to college Smile with tongue out 


Her name is Joey, like a baby kangaroo. She’s a huge jumper and super nice. I know my current dog at home is a super bitch, but this confirms it. Everything I’ve always wanted to do with Candie I can do with Joey. She’s a doll and everyone loves her.

I’m sitting in Acura getting some things done; I have a quick vet appt. for Joey later. Boy, that girl is so great. The only thing is that she didn’t come housebroken and she farts. Haha…can’t blame her. I’m just amazed that we got so luck with a dog at the SPCA. How would she end up on the streets for adoption?

I have some school things I should get to this weekend but I also have work (which will be nice to help support my dog).

I miss him.


Danger Zone

Fuck you, Kenny Loggins.

I received a text from my brother earlier. The PS3 died. What? Apparently, he put in Top Gun and it pooped out. So this is to Kenny Loggins.

As much as I love Archer and how this is the ideal Danger Zone moment, I’m really upset. Our baby Sad smile Ok. I have lots of studying left to do. I might get back to this later.

[edit] As I lay here in bed. My mind is brought back to a time not so long ago. Someone who has since stopped speaking to me. I liked what we had. I asked myself, where did it go wrong. But that was it. I missed him, therefore I got attached. I got attached. The sole basis of our friendship and I couldn’t hold up my end of the deal (unless of course he felt it coming before I did and cut ties before anything could have happened). Doubt it. Anyway. That is another danger zone…and how I screwed that one up too.