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Blissful Lows

More meaningless phone updates? Yes. I was at CVS earlier picking up a script and you know me and blood pressure cuffs; I cannot resist.

I have this thing (not quite an obsession) with having low blood pressure. Wait, maybe I just have a fear of high blood pressure. Is there a term for that? Anyway…I know my BP had a frightening dip on Monday, but as of earlier today this was me 🙂

Blood Pressure

Friends, General, Home


So yesterday after work, I was able to have Amy help me with a Craigslist item. I am now the proud owner of a LoveSac Supersac. Be jealous- it’s bigger than your small car.

I’ve been working a wonky full time schedule lately. Ups and downs, but bearing it. I was up in NYC but didn’t get to meet up with Adrian due to location and our circumstances; I’m working on going back up some time so we can hang for real. I haven’t seen him in over a year! Last time was actually back in London. Wow.

On a second note, I have not heard back from Matt which I’m really bummed about. We used to be pretty close and he said he’d let me know when he was back and nothing yet. He’s working too, but who knows.

On the up hand. Despite the stupid drama I made for myself at home, I had the best moment at work. I had sent Dave an email about something I found a little bit ago, and we haven’t spoken in just over 2 weeks (new record on top of breaking our 4 month trend this month). I know he’s crazy busy doing boards and such so I try not to bother him. At lunch I checked my email. Dave. He replied to what I had sent and then added at the end,

Miss you

Ok, so I know that doesn’t seem like much. Two words, and it’s not even like it’s the first time saying I love you or anything, but for me (us), this is huge. For the type of relationship we have, I see him 3 times a year (if I’m lucky, 4) and we “talk” (which is more either one email and reply or a literal couple of texts) every 2 weeks. That’s not a whole lot, but to miss something there- that’s monumental. Plus, for the first time in my life, I feel special.

But those are the key words here. He added a line after which would translate as “I hope you’re doing well” to any other couple, but you know how we nerds love to play with words.  I thought it was particularly cute. I’d post the whole email here but I kind of want to keep it to myself right now. I could not stop smiling at lunch though, and I keep smiling now as I think about it. The weirdest thing though, as I’m laying here in bed writing this, I can smell his cologne.

I can’t decide if I’m supposed to be a trooper and wait out until June when he comes back or see if a visit is welcome when I’m out in Pitt. Not sure which is more endearing since I know he has things to do- but I can’t tell if

At the end of the day, I am the happiest girl in the world.

General, Home, School

My Own Number 23

Here is a two part entry. There’s a break in the post (scroll down) for the second topic, which was written later and about the birthday!

IMG_20110204_140514Ever since James, I’ve had my own crazy thing about coincidence. In my own little code way, I gave him the label of “130” (which originated from J130, now without the letter). Like Jim Carrey’s movie, The Number 23, I slowly found myself seeing this number everywhere. Part of it was, now that I designated meaning to this number, I will notice it more often when it’s there. But I still think a part of it is ridiculous how often I ran run into it. From clocks to all the little things. Exhibit A: closet opposite the girls bathroom I walked out of (taken last week)

Then there was Dave. There’s a lot more behind that one, but I just want to note how many more people I have met named Dave, and why the name is tormenting me (not devastating, but I can’t believe how often I encounter it nowadays).

  1. Dave C. from home (with a similar voice intonation, might I add)
  2. Dave Fry
  3. Dave Dry
  4. Dave Hayes
  5. Unique Hair Dave
  6. Temple Camera Lens Dave
  7. T-Mobile Dave
  8. THE Dave
  9. Walmart Security Dave
  10. Roomate’s Boyfriend Dave (David)
  11. Club Dave
  12. District Head of Rite Aid Dave
  13. District Head of Giant Dave
  14. Mom’s Nurse Dave…
  15. Foursquare Dave Dave

Kicker. Today I went in for an interview at Doylestown Hospital.  Head of Operations (Chantel) decided to give me a tour of the place after a nice chat;  first place I was brought was into the back.

Chantel: Jeanne, I’d like you to meet Dave.
Dave: Very nice to meet you. *shake hands*
Chantel: [describing some of the operations and then telling me about Dave some more and what he’s doing. Looking at NEJOM is what I saw.]

On the way out of the back…
Dave: It was nice meeting you Smile

Riiight. There’s got to be at least 3 more, but that’s what I have for now.

Today is Lenny’s 21st Birthday. 1. Happy Birthday. 2….idk


The whole presents thing was not easy. The one suggestion I did get was something I already got for him last year. I have a nice card, made him a Reese’s dessert cake and hung a Dora banner that says PARTY * FIESTA.

Tonight is also 2 other birthdays (Lisa and Matt) and the 3V3 Basketball Tourney.  We’re leaving early to do birthday shenanigans, but now I’m feeling terrible. I just got back not too long ago, and Alex was sitting on the couch. She’s sick and very feverish. She’s not sure if she’s going to be able to go out and feels bad about it. I feel terrible not because I’m still sick myself (it’s the weirdest condition (set of conditions plural) ever) but because I was contagious.

Not sure how tonight will go. Physio exam Friday. Naked clin skills tomorrow.

Home, Winter

On Schedule

You complete me.

I finished working my hours today (all 80 hours) and I left for Erie 🙂

I’m sitting here watching Archer with the kid. There’s some food and festivities and I don’t wanna go home.

Please let me stay…please.