General, Internets, Photography


One of the things that I actually have been keeping up with is Pretty Little Liars (plug: Mondays @ 8 on ABC Family). Something in that girl drama is interesting to watch (different than being a part of it) but also the characters are pretty (male and female). That aside, my group of friends all watch and we’ve pretty much assigned ourselves characters if those were our lives. I would like to think of myself as the Spencer Hastings of the group. She’s the brainy one that can tell you how many steps it is to a particular tree in the woods. Yeah, that’s me.

Her desktop background [ wallpaper ]is of the arch on the Eiffel Tower. A very pretty shot; I easily recognized it because I have a more complete picture of it in my room. But in searching the internet for what she has as her background, I ended up watching the bit of the episode where it’s visible to see how hers is oriented exactly. No luck finding it with Google Images, but there’s a small handful of people looking for it. There’s a close picture, but something just didn’t sit right…

Spencer's Desktop WallpaperA close match to what she uses

It hits me. Why don’t I just use my own picture. The one that I happened to shoot. Sure it’s a slightly different angle of view and potentially different leg of the tower, but I would like to say I’m proud of the results. [The angle her image is at shows less detailing and structure pieces.] But I say a job well done, and I actually had to flip the image to match hers, but in utilization for my own desktop (and to not be exactly like hers), I kept it at the original orientation.

My new PLL Spencer Desktop

I expanded the selection outwards just a bit, but I’m not sure where I want to put my Object Dock. I’ve had it like this for so long that I know where to move my mouse and hover for a particular app, but it’s not as aesthetically pleasing where it is with the picture. Whatever.

On this happy note, I got a call today about a job interview at Doylestown Hospital next week! Hopefully that goes well Smile I’m going to Royal’s later for dinner with Lenny before our meeting, but I should probably get cracking down on the books (Renal Physiology). Ta ta!

NOTE: As of today, I have officially begun my 365 project. Click the tab to see, but otherwise, there’s not much right now. But one picture every day for a year. Maybe I’ll throw in theme weeks or something. Month of food. Sounds good.

Internets, School


I want to try something new. I’m thinking about a new domain name. My brother is not being much of a help as he won’t even tell me if he wants to renew his domain. “I don’t care,” was his response. I’m just slightly annoyed right now. But I wanted to merge a few things and streamline my online shenanigans.

Where do I begin? Kuro-Shiro has been around for a while and it’s been my little net. At the same time, that was more generated in my Japan Addict phase and doesn’t reflect me as much now (plus, no one can remember the name.) Where do I go?

I’m not sure how hard it will be to switch things over to a new domain or where I even want to go. My whole hosting thing expires this year too (bummer) so it’s time to think some things out. What’s in a name?

I haven’t done much with the site, but webmail is Google based, which is super sweet. All the Gmail I want Smile

There’s been a lot of spark lately too. Trying to get back into the flow of what I used to do, a lot of people have been doing a photo thing. Ex. Project 365. Yinga is so inspirational; just reading the things in her life make me either jealous of her or just feel bad that I’m nowhere near that. But there’s this 30-day challenge that some girls in Omega have been doing and so I want to. For a while now. Probably happened somewhere after stormtrooper 365 (LOVE Stéfan’s work, btw) and Jamie’s photo a day gig.

School, for just starting, is kind of rough. I’m having a hard time transitioning and actually being motivated to do anything. Things I should be doing vs. the things I rather be doing. There’s a lot going on in my head, and I would love to just have some more time. I could go on for days, but who needs that.

Little secret: in my less than chipper moods, I get some really outrageous ideas. I was feeling a little more towards miserable the other day and was looking into a new toy…a macbook. Don’t judge. I have this tendency to take forever to make a decision, but as soon as I do, I’m so set where I can’t let myself change that thought. I have been so Anti-Mac my entire life, but it’s still a new toy.

There’s so much I should be doing.