

I have bug bites. Somewhere in the usual double digits, but I have an itching problem. I love scratching.

I don’t have many plans. I applied for this Lab Tech job, which sounded AMAYYYYZINGGG, but they’re looking for someone for a year-long contract. The lady said she’d keep me in mind though, so I’m optimistic.  I would love a lab job.

In a little while, I’m taking my brother to work and then I’m thinking about running to the mall. There are these super cute shoes (ew, I’m such a girl right now). Other than that, I have nothing to do. I read some of my book this morning- maybe pick up a new one too? Not that I don’t have enough books on my wall- I just want some more Susane Colasanti.  She’s good; she speaks to me.

This is another attempt at blogging more often. This morning, I read something off twitter from Deryck.  He made his own little blog-ish entry, and it makes me think. It pretty much says how people stopped dreaming and settle for boring lives and we should all live life.

Live your fucking lives, people.  Paying bills are one thing, but don’t sell yourself short.   Everyone lives with some regrets.  Just make sure you are regretting something you did, not something you didn’t do.

He speaks to me. Every time something like that comes up, I feel like I have the urge to really take a step towards it and do something worthwhile instead of sitting around. I personally feel I’m a little too uptight still. Jenn doesn’t agree, but maybe she’s biased 😛 I want to get more out of life- here’s to trying!

While we’re there, I’m working on letting go. I tend to dwell and I just need to make the best of what there is, because bumming around won’t get me where I want to be. I cannot keep holding myself back. Given, it’s not as easy as it seems; knowing myself, I’ll make it a little more difficult, but it’s something that is worth a shot. A shot I must take.

There’s this to-do list. I really should knock some of those out. I should revamp- or maybe just finish- That’d be great 🙂 On top of that, who knows. I’ll try to keep posted.

Home, Summer


So the other night, James sent me a message online.  I wasn’t around so I did not catch it, but it happened again.  He was nearly begging to see me and said many nice things, where I kinda wanted to see him anyway, but had a good idea what his intentions were.

I mentioned it to Jenn, saying how I’d stop by his place for a bit then pick up a necklace from her that I’ve been meaning to get.  Done plan.

I got to his house, and in a few minutes, he came outside ran over to my car and got in on the passenger side.  he looked at me and said, Jeanne– How the fuck are you.  He brought up when we met, and how he must have come off as (nutbag).  We sat there and chatted for a while, and he was being pretty “honest” about things, in the sense that he was holding a conversation and seemingly playing the role of a friend.  Then he starts rolling in on how he’s apologizing for the past and how he really wants to start over and be friends, or even more.

He talks like Dave, which scares me.  I stopped being bitter about James a little while ago, but it’s not that I’ve forgotten what has happened.  I let go, but remember.  The entire rest of the night, we’re chatting, and from time to time, he throws in how he feels and wants us to spend time together and all the great things any girl would love to hear.  Any other occasion, I would have been the butter in the socks (thats right, incoherent statements is the true tale of emotions).  I want to believe him so bad, because it fucking sounds so good.  Trust, faith. He asked for both of those, which I said I didn’t know if I could do.  He said he understood that it’s gonna be hard, but he wants me to believe so bad.

At one point, we were even talking about the future, ish.  As much bad history we have, the good moments were grand. We got on the topic of kids, and I got to telling him how I planned on naming my son after my father, whose name is also James.  What a coincidence. But he was in such awe about that and said it was a great idea, and how he wanted to name his kid James too.  The fuckin 5th. James Patrick Butler V.  Oh, it’s almost like we should have kids to fulfill both naming desires. Yeahhh.  But I started telling him how everyone is getting knocked up. Even mentioned how K.Cush had her baby on Mother’s day.  I told him how I was wondering if I got knocked up, if it would ruin my career or if I could make it…he told me I could be a great mother. Wow.

He asked about my life and Dave even came up.  But that’s when it started getting difficult.  I like Dave a whole lot. Up until this past few days, I was totally ok with a future with him and all the grand things an insane person comes up with.  Then here comes James prancing back in, saying all the things I want to hear.  I will always have a soft spot for him- he was (is?) my Jake Ryan. I told him that.  Let’s say he’s being legit, he’s not a bad kid, and I’m honestly a little curious as to where it could go…then I think back to Dave, who is also all sorts of great, PLUS has never actually done anything to make me weary of him- although he has not vocalized how he feels, where as James has.

James took my hand and was trying to sell the point that he’s for real. For real. I haven’t used that since sophomore year when he said it.  He said he was mine. All of him was for me- I am the proud owner of the JPBIV, while he has no ownership of anything.  Kinda cute, but all still suspicious.

The thing about him is that, I always scenarios through my head. I replay events.  I think I have a verdict on where I stand with this.  I don’t believe his words, as much as he insists he is true and as much as I want to believe them.  BUT. I have thought about something for a long time now. Honesty is much appreciated.  Would I rather us be the sort of friends with benefits, as long as we both know there’s nothing more, or make believe it’s something really special when he’s really just using me.

The former is less heart breaking, in my opinion.  I starting questioning how I’d feel about Dave in this picture.  I almost feel guilty, but we don’t have an official title- nothing has been established.  I’d commit to unofficial exclusivity, but I don’t know where he stands on anything.  I think I’m just into him more than he is me : I know he’s really busy with school and seeing all his friends, but I honestly think that I would almost see James more in this situation only because he’s so much closer.  Ok. So he’s not the MOST upstanding citizen, and his past is kiiiinddaaa crummy- he’s definitely changed, but I also feel that old habits die hard.

I don’t believe that anyone can really be into me. I don’t believe him to be sincere about that. He just wants his dick wet. But we were sitting in my car for over 5 hours last night- got in around 4:30am.  That’s a lot of time for just wanting a little bit (which didn’t even happen).  That makes me want to think it’s different. He also said he’d call or txt around 3-4 today after work so we could maybe do something. That didn’t happen, and makes me think it’s all the same.  Maybe he has changed, just not for me.

I want Dave, but with James, it’s just nice to have a little attention once in a while. Goodness knows I don’t ever hear things like that.  What do I do. Oh hey Dave, since you’re busy, I’m just gonna go hang out with my ex who talks about us the way we talk about things. Oh, and he’s pulled out his penis- don’t worry. That’s not something to be concerned about u_u;;

1. I am a terrible person. 2. I’m a crazy bitch. 3. I have issues.

General, Home, Summer

Almost There

I have taken one lab practical and written two papers. I have one paper left and one exam. I have less than two weeks left here on this island, and I’m not sure how I feel about it. London is an exciting city, and I’m sure it is even better once school is not involved. There is so much I want to do yet, but I’m also ready to go home.

I’m not in the mood to write the paper, so I am here. I’m still fighting with food and losing terribly. I’m avoiding my room because I just cannot stand to be around my room mate any more.  I have to wear shoes around the room because the floor is sticky. The entire place is a mess, and it smells.  She sits there, windows shut (so hot and stuffy), blinds down, lights off…watching her shows on youtube and the like.  She didn’t leave the room yesterday either.  I’m not going to counter her habits by being an ass- although I would like to very much.

I’m just going to take it easy tonight. I didn’t get much sleep the past 2 nights, and Yahoo has a new article linking lack of sleep and super early death.

There are so many things I have planned for the near future though. I’m super excited over those.  Alex and Lenny have been getting the house situated; I’m signing the lease when I get back. I have SO many pictures to upload. I can’t do that here since the internet is barely sustainable.  I should find a job at some point too.  I AM planning my quarterly trip out to Erie once I get back. I just need permission to go (considering I will have just gotten home.)  There was issues with that too, though.  Since my brother is now working, I don’t have a car to take out at my leisure. The job is supposed to cover that part for me : We’ll see.

I was in Paris this past weekend. So nice, but we also were there when they had their version of Labor Day, so everything was closed.  We were in Disneyland and that was great. Got my Indy AND STAR WARS in 😀

Alright…I am going to try to get this reading done so I can try to start the paper tomorrow or so.

9 Days.

General, Summer

Life After

I’ve been pseudo productive the past few days.  I’m feeling pretty reflective at the moment.  I haven’t really been sleeping well…or at all, sort of. Reminds me of the first few weeks I spent in this house. I hope I don’t have to have an adjustment period each time I am here. I miss my dreams, and I really miss the rested feeling.

First off, I moved back down to Philadelphia for this week. Yes, for the week. Kelsey is on her week cruise and so she’s out of the house; Janine asked if I would stay so she would not be alone in the house. Not having any prior engagements being location based, I agreed. Kaitlyn was originally planning on coming down as a part of her road trip to NC, but that fell through 🙁 I came down Monday before noon and have been here since. While Janine was at class, I cleaned the entirety of the kitchen and bathroom (besides the toilet…we didn’t have a brush for that).  We also went to the gym somewhere after 4:30.  Did some cardio and lifting; when 6 came around, I was persuaded to participate in the Butts and Guts class. Worst decision ever. Haha. Ok. It’s just been a while since I’ve had a serious work out like that.  I feel so incapacitated. Each sneeze, cough or belch is a heart attack of pain. I love the burn, but this is terrible.

Tuesday, I was supposed to meet up with Jennifer at LOVE PARK but then with my car, there was not a good outlook on free parking. Sorry, baby. I ended up going to Fairmount Park instead. I’ve never been there before, so it was an adventure. I put on my Opening Acts playlist (Rookie, Go Crash and Kiernan) and walked around for about 2.5 hours. Looking at the map now, I covered a minimal amount of park in that time u_u;; I did take a good chunk of pictures though. CLICK! That was pretty much Tuesday. Today (I can’t believe it’s Wednesday already) I didn’t do much. Or at least I stayed indoors. I have the biggest trouble moving around (Ron hosts a mean class). I’s more of transitioning from sitting to standing or vice versa. I watched a small chunk of Daria (I adore her.), did my nails (toes and hands), wrote a note to Dave.

D. I haven’t had any contact with him in about a week? The last time was a mere span of about 5-txts each.  Well I wrote a little note on this little sheet about 3″x2″. haha. It’s short and to the point, and that’s sending tomorrow, and maybe I’ll hear from him.  It’s times like this that I wonder if things would be different if I had a Myspace or Facebook, especially.

It’s been a good 6 months since I’ve dropped Facebook, at least.  Life without it. It’s a very different thing. I had a problem, constantly checking it, just hoping for something new. Nothing ever happened, and just now, I found some people I can kinda relate to: Kids’ Mom.  Through all the friends I had on there, there’s only the few I can count on one hand that I keep in touch with? There were PILES of my friends that asked me, “Jeanne, since when were you not on facebook?” MONTHS after it happens. Even after we had group discussions on it! Honestly, a piece of me died (I guess I didn’t matter that much) but I’m over it. I’m secure enough to know who I’ve got when I need them most <3 Ok. So I’m out of the loop, and that’s probably the hardest challenge. I wasn’t technically invited to Steve’s Barbecue, or know of other events. Luckily, my friends are amazing and have started relaying messages to me that I need to know. All I miss out on are the pictures that everyone else posts and the latest on who is or isn’t dating who.  It’s so weird to see how powerful those sites have become. Is it really hurting me by not having it? Probably to an extent- yes.

Each day, I’m one step closer to falling back into the routine of the internet. I used to think I was the internet. I was everywhere; I did everything. Thinking about it, I think I was the one who broke up with him. Always room for reconciliation, but it’s just a matter of when. I’ll admit, Dave is probably the one reason that I would break my plans of my comeback (I promise, it’s a great plan.)  Assuming those plans don’t fall through, it’s gonna be grand, since none of my local friends know about it. Hm…I think about 6 people know, actually. I’m still waiting for a response on that though…*high hopes* But fuck it, I might just come back if that falls.

Since Kaitlyn isn’t coming down anymore, I think I’m heading back tomorrow sometime. I might hit up another part of Fairmount Park before going back. I haven’t decided yet.  Maybe the Art Museum while I’m there too ^^ I’m such a tourist for actually living here; always taking pictures and never actually seeing the places people come to sight see. Haha.

SHIT! How could I forget! Why do I ramble so much? 2 topics left. 1. Comments. 2. PHONE <3. You know me. First off, about comments. Remember when it was a huge deal to have comments? When we were all raking in double digits of legit, spam-free comments? Oh the days! Ksusha, Evan (Brandi), Krystina, Myun, Kokoro, Mitsu, Hoshi…HIKARU! Damn. Back then, I really was the internet. Ps. I miss Hikaru soooo much still. I wish she’d come back. Anyway. Comments. Now a days, I write, 0 comments, but it’s ok. I write for me- to help me organize some thoughts and get them out. It’s not about seeking approval, trying to uber impress someone or anything. Sure, it’d be nice to get some input like I used to here or there. The input from neutral parties I trust that I can’t even bring up to the closest of my IRL friends (that’s almost sad 🙁 ) but whatever.

Phone. October 9th, 2009. My calendar is marked. Sony Ericsson gave me another technogasm. Satio. I will molest the hell out of him. Jenn knows…I licked lemony JB at Chipotle 😛 My vice, I know. But that’s a quirk you either accept or not.

I never uploaded pics either. I might do that now until I decide to get to bed. I’ll be sure to share 🙂 PCE