

I can’t believe it. It’s Monday morning. 9 May 2011. I have completed my third year of school, which means that I am finally half way there.  I’m sitting in Acura at the moment getting some maintenance on my car and updating my phone to a later update of CM7. Love gingerbread, but I hope maybe this has something do with my compass being off it’s ass.

My phone is currently syncing right now so I have all the time to write.  I’m starting work tomorrow full time-ish. 4 days a week every week and every other weekend on top of that; this means I’m alternating between working 4 and 6 days a week. Until I get fully trained and can handle my own, it can get a little slow at the time. I was with Jenn and Blue over the weekend and I picked up my first pair of scrubs! I don’t know why that’s so exciting, but I am so happy about it. 3 pairs, but I might want to get some more scrub tops so mix and match (and also not wear the same thing all the time). 

Well Speaking of Blue, that’s Jenn’s cousin from Texas. She’s here for a month and we’re trying to show her around and give her this phenomenal experience in the area. Here’s to the best month ever only because we kids here have done it all already. Now there’s a reason to actually  do something.

I’m gonna put this computer away at the moment so I can fix all the settings on my phone.



School is getting pretty busy again. I have Anatomy Exam on Wednesday, Organic Chemistry the following Tuesday and I just recorded a presentation about an hour ago for Intro to Pharmacy and Healthcare.

On the side, I’ve been digging up on old music (Ja Rule, J-Lo, LL COOL J!) Haha. I spent the night at the house alone since Janine went out with a friend and Kelsey went to Chris’s.  I watched Hard Candy (Ellen Page and some dude) and then a pile of What Not To Wear.  Had some deep emotional reflection. It was a good night, despite not actually getting much done.  Mental health weekend 🙂

Kelsey is coming back soon and we’re thinking about going out to dinner as a pseudo family.  I’m looking forward to it.

I’ve been getting ideas lately though.  I would love it if I could become some hit internet sensation.  I will honestly attribute this to iJustine, who is my semi-secret addiction.  I would absolutely love a life like that (Apple and Steve Jobs aside).  But anyway. I recently acquired some movie magic and photo skillz, and perhaps over break (since school leaves me none of that super leisure time I desire), I can play around with some things and catch up on my digital life.

OH! I have to pick out a flight. That WILL be done. TONIGHT! I swear to you, on all my precious toys, it will be done.

Ok. Well we’re about to jet set, so I’ll return sometime 🙂


On Holiday

Things have been going pretty well since I last posted. I don’t even remember when that was. But over July 4th, I drove my mom down to Annapolis to visit one of her friends.  They did their chatting while I kinda lounged around the apartment for a bit.  I got into this huge argument and falling out with some guy I just met (most ridiculous thing I have ever done. It was like arguing with a rock) BUTTT it was during that time I started chatting with this one kid Dave that I kinda met about a month before hand? It’s a weird circumstance, but he’s a realll sweetheart and me likes him 🙂

Moving along. Between my txts and hanging out with Jenn, there really isn’t much going on. I went to Color Me Mine (pics later or something) and that was cool. I bought a few books (started one tonight) and trying to not be too anti-productive. I went to Missy’s grad party yesterday too! Lots of people I have not seen in a long time, so that was most fun.

I officially sold my phone today; shipped and everything. That money is going towards next month’s rent or my mom’s birthday present. Haha. I need some income soon. But that aside, I have a few field trips planned before my funds are completely wiped.

I should really do something more with my lazy fat ass.


Drip Drip

So besides waking up to a soaked bed from the leaking skylight window, I had some memorable moments in my dreams. I wonder if I’ll be able to recall most of it by this time of day.

I remember going down 113 (road) towards my house. I’m with 2 other people, but I run into Annette to tell her about a crazy dream I had last night. The dream itself may have been something prior to me waking up from the rain, but I can’t say. I start telling her about how it was about Alexis Bledel and Lauren Graham (Gilmore Girls!) It was something about how they both gained weight, but they were still so sexy? And I turn to the guy behind me and was kind of in shock that I remembered the dream.

At another part, i was with Jenn in what seemed like my house.   We were in Janine’s room, but in the front part, and there was a 2nd level.  I see this little car drive by, its like an old school BMW (but I can’t remember now! ahhh) and I poitn it out to Jenn. She’s so excited.  I move down to the 2nd floor of the room and I remember there were all sorts of vents for sale. Like the kind in the floor that blows air at you.  But there were all sorts of different kinds. Super cool ones and regular ones.  I remember looking at the one model and I was like, “Oh, they already replaced it with the newer model!” I think it was like the sony speakers I wanted that they don’t sell anymore.

That’s all I have right now.