

We’ve been on a fry binge lately. I had this dream last night that Alex was about to go somewhere but wanted to give me and Lenny our gifts. I got a bag of fries, and Lenny got a bag of fries and hashbrowns. Hahaha

The night before, I had this dream, I was back in London. I ran into Dougal and Gammer and we were hanging out in town. We were talking about the release of Anybody Else But you.

I started talking with Dougal about CDs and he was asking me what I had. I told him honestly that I really didn’t have many, but I was a huge fan of their work and all the Clubland things lately. He said I could probably have one of his.

I was excited- he’s a Dj, he’s loaded with music. But we were looking around and he asked if I just wanted to come up to his place and grab it. I asked him where his place was, and he pointed to the one tower apartment. There were ads plastered on the top with DJs, and he actually lived behind a part of his own face (hahah). But I’m thinking that I wasn’t doing anything else so we decided to just go. He went to tell Gammer and we started headed towards his building.

We got in and there was a group of us traveling through the lobby and all theĀ escalatorsĀ and elevators. He got ahead of me and when I finally made it up to his room, there were people around. I ran into Sarah Chau and we started talking about Arcadia and studying abroad. I don’t remember much else- I just remember that it was the best thing in the world getting to hang out with Dougal and Gammer.