
On Holiday

Things have been going pretty well since I last posted. I don’t even remember when that was. But over July 4th, I drove my mom down to Annapolis to visit one of her friends.  They did their chatting while I kinda lounged around the apartment for a bit.  I got into this huge argument and falling out with some guy I just met (most ridiculous thing I have ever done. It was like arguing with a rock) BUTTT it was during that time I started chatting with this one kid Dave that I kinda met about a month before hand? It’s a weird circumstance, but he’s a realll sweetheart and me likes him 🙂

Moving along. Between my txts and hanging out with Jenn, there really isn’t much going on. I went to Color Me Mine (pics later or something) and that was cool. I bought a few books (started one tonight) and trying to not be too anti-productive. I went to Missy’s grad party yesterday too! Lots of people I have not seen in a long time, so that was most fun.

I officially sold my phone today; shipped and everything. That money is going towards next month’s rent or my mom’s birthday present. Haha. I need some income soon. But that aside, I have a few field trips planned before my funds are completely wiped.

I should really do something more with my lazy fat ass.