Health, Technology

Xperience Sony

It has been a little while but I think I am back into my phone binge. I haven’t kept up with things for a while, but with the moving to Virginia soon, I was thinking about finally getting a real phone plan. I saw on AT&T’s website that they are anticipating the HTC One, the follow up to the HTC One X (and other letters). It’s pretty nice, but the new HTC Sense interface is a little Windows-like. I’m sure it’s not bad since HTC is a great company, but I looked up what Sony was doing.

Sony Xperia Z.

Xperia Z
Xperia Z, coming soon!


This bad boy is so pretty. Given, with all the capabilities and being so new and powerful, it’s a little expensive. As a very stupid move, if I pay off my credit card, I can buy it outright and just make slow payments on it. I would also need to have it shipped from Europe (hooray) or hope for a great deal on eBay.  There’s a nice matching new tablet (also not out yet) but that will have to wait. I really want this new phone. It’s so cool! As soon as I get settled with some things, I am looking to sell off some items and have a little more money. I should work on not having so much sentimental value on objects like my old phones. The values have really depreciated and I won’t make as much back at this point. Still something though.

I applied to get certified for my CPhT so I can find more work once we get to Virginia and the site says it normally takes up to an hour. Up To one hour. It’s been about 24 hours now and I still have not heard back from them yet.  I bet it’s my criminal background check.  Woo. I can’t wait to hear back from them.

I started my Viibryd again. The side effects of coming off the prozac are kicking in though. I am so tired these days and the motivation is pretty low, but I’m hoping the Viibryd kicks in much sooner than later. Here’s to hoping!


Fiddle Faddle

This is so strange. Should things go according to plan, I will be living in Virginia by May. That means there are two months left here. I’m so excited to move on to this next chapter in my life, but it’s strange to be moving away from everything I’ve grown up with.

Right now, my depression is a mess. My latest refill on Prozac I filled at CVS at home (vs. Target in the city) and this is a new manufacturer. Guess what. Allergy rash! I stopped taking it, but have not been taking anything else since it has been maybe two weeks at this point and I am still itchy. This is so frustrating. It put a hold on my exercise (just like last year) since I don’t want to irritate the rash.

I’ve been staying up with Matt lately and it’s peaceful. I went out for pictures with his mom the other day. It wasn’t bad, but my depression is getting to me. I keep comparing myself to everyone else and it makes me feel so terrible inside. His mom has been reading up and knows all this information about her camera (on top of having 2 cameras strapped to her with a bandolier). Then his cousin Chris is this huge photographer and going through his pictures makes me feel like shit. I like photography, but I feel like a fraud next to these people. I don’t know what I am doing. I like to shoot on Auto because adjusting the settings is so time consuming and hard to get just right.

I know I shouldn’t compare myself to others and it’s all in my head, but I can’t stop these thoughts. They’re so pervasive and once I start thinking about it, I get so caught up bringing myself down. I can’t stop looking at these amazing pictures or reading about all the people doing wonderful things with their lives. I want to believe that it will motivate me to make a change and actually do something about myself, but then I just sink into this terrible mood and hate myself even more.

I am trying not to cry; trying not to take everything so personally. I get to see my doctor in a little while so hopefully we have a plan. This just gets so hard and I have trouble being around people. Thinking about it makes me sad, and I abhor crying in front of people. I keep on thinking about how everyone else lives their lives and how it takes so much effort for me to keep it together. That is not to say I’m the only one going through something or having a hard time, but just by appearances, it seems like I’m the only one who can’t deal with life.

I’d like to think I’m trying. I might be biased though.

Ugly Duck
One of the swans that came up on the frozen lake
General, Health

Venture Christmas

This year I’m making some venture brother speed shirts. I made one and I have 4 more to go. I was able to find a super nice lady on etsy to embroider for me. I’m excited to get those back.

I’m currently sitting in Ardmore Acura getting an oil change, which was long overdue. They’re pretty nice here and I had a special that gave me a discount so I’m happy.

My student loans came due this month and I am dying. I was avoiding it but now it’s here. I don’t know what I’ll do. I’m not out of my funk yet, but I need to start working. I might look into a job in the city for now to get more hours in and hopefully money. 

I hate to be so cliché but I want to start exercising. Matt’s mom is getting me an iPod Nano with Nike+. I was looking at new running shoes too. I want to do this right. I NEED to stop complaining and get off my ass. I’m usually more talk and ideas but I need to set this in action. A girl from the frat has been on a huge workout kick and Lenny told me she looks so good. She apparently lost 50” off her body! That’s ridiculous. I just can’t believe she got that done during school. Lenny agrees with me that it sounds absurd.

It can be done. I need to do this for myself and stop feeling bad.

My brother got me sick so I’m in the middle of recovery. It is the worst reason to not do anything. The most useless I could ever be. I’m fighting it with lots of drugs though. Lots of drugs.

Keep fighting. Keep fighting.


No matter how far, run for all you’re worth. Run.



lucyyhale 🙂

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” –Plato

This is the latest inspiration of the day. Astoundingly fitting, and so new wallpaper time!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle

I updated the font…I’m a little more content. On a side note. I am so hardcore crushing. There are a few things a happening where things might not be so complicated, although have an alternate ending I wasn’t exactly looking for. May things work out well for everyone, and may I not be the asshole.