General, School


Tee hee…do you know what today is? It’s Dave’s birthday. He’s getting really old, which makes me feel more like a child. Gross. But whatever. I got him to get online last night and count down to midnight. Our clocks weren’t synched so he was late. I got a little excited and didn’t get to finished typing “birthday” without going past the time so I only sent HAPPY, hence the title here.

Double Iced Krimpets

I sent out a poster, some dunkaroos, tastykakes, chocolate, zombie kit, inflatable cane…I think that was all. The poster arrived yesterday, the box arrived when he wasn’t home but it’s there now. I wish I could see the reaction of opening the box. I tried splicing up an old spice guy commercial so send as a birthday message, but it came out a little rough. I sent it earlier as a birthday email. That might just be some infringement if I upload that; trust me, the idea is epic.

So we spent about an hour chatting and studying. He seriously makes everything better. During our little chat, he  promised me a dinner party. YOU HEAR THAT D? I’m holding you to it. But seriously, I would much rather just be out there than here. MISSJOO

So anyway. Halloween came and went. I had a few exams so I didn’t really go out. Jimmy came down to see Lenny in a fabulous surprise way. Story goes, Jimmy was gonna take the bus down after class and arrive in the city around 8pm. At about 3pm, Alex sends me a text asking if I was home and that we need to talk. I was like- uhh? But she told me that Jimmy was coming down. He got here around 4 and we helped him set up; Lenny got out of work around 5. This is the chaos that ensued.

Anyway…I’m sitting here right now, watching some TV and trying to relax. Planning some more shebangs.

General, School


I’m a liar and a terrible being. To try and make up for that, I’ll update now…at 3:13am.

School has been absolutely crazy with all the work, but for now, I’m managing. I have my Physics, Organic Chemistry and Anatomy, which are the major players, but it’s not too too bad. I’ll make note when I start to fail. I had some MAJOR issues with my passport processing, but a meeting and credit card swipe later, I am in possession of my passport; I have applied for my visa; I have a biometrics scan Saturday.  I’m so excited, but nervous because there is still so much to do.

Briefly, now.  I went through periods of not frequenting communication with Dave.  Not that there was a reason, but we’re both doing our thing, to an extent.  A few things came up during our few chats, but I got a text from him earlier this week and we’ve been frequenting chats a little more, and well…he’s still completely awesome (and a sweet heart).

In the past few weeks as well, I’ve been conversing with Rob a lot too.  It’s probably the weirdest friendship I have, but he’s cool.  How many guys would survive having a picture of a celebrity penis sprung (!) on them. Haha…that’s a story for another time.

I’ve made the leap to Windows 7 Official Licensed released.  I’ve been running the Release Candidate since June-ish, but now it’s a more permanent fixture and it’s nice.  I do support Windows, even when they’re total douchebags.

Halloween is coming around the corner and I successfully compiled a delightful Dr. Horrible costume.  I don’t really have pictures, otherwise they’d be up.  I don’t even know if I want to go out anymore.  All my friends are getting wasted, and that’s not what I’m interested in doing.  Eh, we’ll see what happens.

I guess this is an adequate update for not rambling too much, so I’ll end it here for now.  I do hope to get back to this soon.