
Dead Phone

Today is one of them slow days. The D thing didn’t happen but I was doing things anyway. But back to slow.

It’s one of those days where no one texts or responds. My phone has been so inactive I get nervous that ATT cut my service or something. I keep feeling like my phone isn’t sending or people aren’t receiving. Freaks me out, but then I don’t want to think about it as my unpopular day. This is the -people are sick of my bullshit day. Haha.

It’s really not that big of a deal; its just going from always having communication/responses with/from people to none, its an adjustment. I’m just not used to it.

I’m sitting at the buffet with my mom. Ran intobsome old family friends. Noted my weight loss. Same old. I’m trying to break in these heels though and so I’m much taller today. It wouldn’t be so bad if I weren’t in a chinese place where I’m already a head taller than they. What’s another 3 some inches.