
After the Show

The funny thing about the past is that you’ve got no say…
-Kiernan McMullan

Weird crazy ftw!

Towards the beginning, I was in a library-sort of location.  It’s a college scene, so there are students around with books and other computers.  I’m sitting at a computer and I’m doing some illegal business, hacking some programs and sending files.  Things were going well up until someone hinted to the police or librarian that there was some funny business, and I was rushing to type in the URL correct to send.  I kept messing up, and there was this Chinese guy watching me, seeing if I could make it. Telling me to just back out and change the screen. He told me to open up the file program on the desktop. I hit the wrong one, but then I do click on the right one.  The first one was the webcam app, and that opens up as the librarian walks over and I’m sitting there looking at myself in the screen asking why the light is green. Phew. Not caught 🙂 I played with that for a while.

Next scene, we were leaving the computer, but we were at a concert with stadium seating. We were towards the top, and there was a giant screen in the center of it all.  I don’t remember what the event was, but we were all hanging out up there. Then at one point, the show was over, and it was changing sets or something, but the one side of the stadium’s seating changed the seats.  They were kinda comfier looking, but whatever.  We walk out and everyone’s leaving, but there are small groups of people and bands around.

Hanging out outside the stadium in the lobby, Josh Tarrington comes up to me and he wants to know if he looks better with or without glasses.  I answer without and walk away. I didn’t want any more contact with him.  He had his black hair again and some friend with him just dyed his hair black too.

Walking away, I find Kiernan McMullan.I start talking to him and being all friendly, but then he has to go to the bathroom.  The location turns into this dance and we’re all going like some cheap prom.  I remember the entire crowd was dancing and leaning together, so we’re all pretty close. Kelsie Biehn and Kelsey LaBar were there, and other girls tthat you may find amongst them.

Then once that braks apart, there’s a slow dance or something with partners, and I’m looking around, there’s one guy I see and he’s got no one, really, so I start walking over there. But Once I get to him, I see Austin standing off to the side by himself, he’s kinda signaling for me to come over, but then some girl (a Rebecca Manton like chick) grabs him instead.  He didn’t want anything to do with her, so I look at the guy I was gonna go with and we get Manton over to him and then I’m hanging out with Austin.  We’re dancing, and then at some point I have him pinned to the ground, my foofy dress all over him, and I look up to see Kiernan coming out of the bathroom. I call his name, and he looks over, only to see me on top of Austin. Awkward. I’m like, “It’s not what it looks like,” and I get up off him and walk over to him.

We start talking again; I’m straightforward with him and ask, “Why are you going to be in Erie a week before Rookie and Crash? Why aren’t you playing with them?” He pretty much told me that they were becoming corporate sell outs 🙁 He’d know better than I would, but I didn’t want to hear it. We keep talking and he’s eating some chips, whatever.  I had 2 questions I wanted to ask, but this one might have happened before he went to the bathroom, actually. I asked if he’s gonna have new material at the next show. He apologized and said he wasn’t going to, but I didn’t mind. I told him that I just wanted to know because at least I’ll be familiar with his stuff, unlike than when I went to see LFO.  He laughed when I told him that I probably know more of his stuff than LFO.  The scene changed to my basement at some point. He’s sitting in the giant massage chair and I’m on the floor. He’s got some pack of mints that he was eating.  Then we heard people upstairs. My mom’s guests hadn’t left yet (even at 4am) but then she calls me up. I had to walk the dog.

I walk her but she drags me all around town. By the time I get back, Kiernan is gone, and all that’s left is an empty Marlboro Menthol box and the box of mints on the chair.  My brother said he had to get going and so he gave him a ride. I wanted to be there to say goodbye, but I guess that didn’t work.

I kinda almost wish Kiernan would hang out with me. I wanna be friends 😛 I can’t imagine him smoking though. But I don’t know if he does- a lot of people do, surprisingly.



Tonight was such an amazing night. I don’t know where to begin; I guess from the top will do.

4:00PM. I left to go get Jenn, since this was our big event. Crocodile Rock Cafe, the place a few blocks from where my church is, happened to be the it place of the night. LFO‘s huge reunion tour (with Rookie of the Year, Go Crash Audio, Kiernan McMullan and Dime Store Profit) was a blast. It was falling in love over and over again.

5:00PM. We arrive and park outside Croc Rock. I’ve never been there, so we’re wandering around just taking it easy. Found the tour bus and preggo van 🙂 Jenn bought a drink and we sat around for a while, spotting people with tags and passes the entire time. While we were waiting for the doors to open, we could hear some of them playing. Every Other Time, of course, was one of the songs (heart that one up in Scranton too, actually).   We jammed along upstairs, of course.

6:00PM. The doors open. I go to claim my ticket. I paid for general admission, but the paper said VIP. Hot hell I wish I had VIP. I didn’t want to say much incase I could get away with VIP or even Meet and Greet, but I wasn’t going to lie to the guy, either. It was eventually settled, so whatever. We got standing room right up front- I’m not complaining.  Dime Store Profit was the first to go, followed by Kiernan McMullan, Go Crash Audio and then Rookie of the Year.  They were all pretty great, I must say.

9:30PM. After a bit of a break from Rookie, LFO make their appearance. Rich Cronin, Devin Lima and Brad Fuschetti (and hey, I can tell who is who for defs, now!) It was a great line up of 14 songs; 3x3x3x2x2x1. That last song of course being Summer Girl 😀

Rich did such a great job after all he’s been through. Got a piece of his solo career. Devin did a Cadbury piece too (then again they were playing in the back :P). Love them, but my personal favorite has to go to Brad. *mumbles*omg did you see that eye contact. he was totally looking at me *swooooon* ahahaha [/end].  He’s really quite something though. We had this whole peace love thing going on in the beginning. Think he recognized me as the creep from Scranton? Where I wanted to just call out NICE PANTS with those True Religions again (and some Calvins under there. oh my) I can only hope.

Did I mention he sweat on me (almost any other time, that would have been gross)? How about when he took my hand.  OR WHEN JENN SLIPPED HIM HER NUMBER!  That’s a dream and a half (but I’d love to see that phone ring).

Brad, if you happen to catch this entry here too, can we be friends?

After the show, I picked up my share of merch and Jenn got her shirt/bra/boobs signed. It was pretty exciting. Got to meet some of the guys (they’re wonderful).

I’ll have to put up pictures later (there’s quite the bunch), but the show was absolutely amazing. I wish my budget let me room for Meet and Greet for both Jenn and I; then we could all laugh about my crazy adventure, the super sexy pants and little things like that. PS. I’ve never been into twitter more than I am now (because of them). FOLLOW ME 🙂

12:00AM.  The entire ride back was just riding this massive high. I still can’t believe I went to that show. I saw LFO. Did you? As Jenn was stepping out of the car, it hit me. Dave is leaving today! The highest high and suddenly the lowest low. I’m so manic depressive (or are they calling it bi-polar…i don’t remember which is more technical).  That was a huge bummer, but I’ll live. I get back to the house, grab some food, chill a bit.