

What? Did you really see that? Like, seriously. About 12 hours after that last post, it all changed. He asked me out. Not like, just a date, but he asked me to be his girlfriend- mutually exclusive, honest girlfriend.

I accepted, ย of course! I know I say I’m crazy, but you’d have to be dead or undead not to do it in my shoes. Not just for the amount we have in common, but for the hours on end we can spend talking and never getting any sleep. For every detail and all the coincidences (innumerable at this point), maybe it was a sign. I just know that I am happy.

You hear that? Happy. Maybe not so happy at the timing and all my stupid school things, but inside, I’m in the clouds ๐Ÿ™‚ What’s crazier is that I think he’s happier than I am (not that it’s a problem).

So here it is, ladies and gentleman. For the first time in poor little J-bird‘s life, she’s not single. For historian purposes, it happened shortly after the midnight crossing of 24 February, 2012. Go check his facebook. Go like me on fb too while you’re at it ๐Ÿ™‚