General, Health, School


A lot has happened. Good. Bad. I’m not sure where to begin.

The biggest news that I could ever write about is D. He’s seeing someone now. He keeps apologizing for the way things turned out, but I don’t hate him for it. Yes it’s the most upsetting social thing in my life ever (dad doesn’t count here), but I still look at him as one of my best friends (and he told me the same). It hurts, but I’m learning to deal.

School is back and stressful as usual. Since the D situation I reactivated my OKC account. I’ve been chatting with a few people who seem to be really nice. It’s a good feeling when someone out there thinks well of you. I actually have a date in less than 10 hours 🙂 We’ll call him K. There’s also S, but that’s still in the works. We’ll see how any of this turns out.

That’s generally my life. Today is Lenny‘s birthday. 22. Big deal 😛 Anyway. I just wanted to update. I’m on duloxetine now, btw. 0/4.

General, Summer

Paths in Life

Tonight has been definitely interesting.  Well first off, I picked up a job with my mom, working 10 hours a day. Not a big deal; it’s tiring, but it pays.  Tonight is the Pretty Little Liars new episode.  Amanda missed it so she and I were gonna chat and watch it together 🙂

I decided to watch it at Jenn’s, and every time I drive there, I’m always thinking- I wonder if I’ll see James. He lives there ish too. I log on, watch the show. First IM goes to Amanda pre-sir. BAM. IM from James. 1 Minute later (literal minute), Dave IMs me. [ 20 minutes later is Dwy, but thats not huge ].  Wow. Of all the things, all the nights.  I got the usual from James, but it was a little more honest in the sense that he really just wanted a quickie.

I haven’t talked to Dave in nearly a month.  Since the incident, I tried to detach myself from him and not get so bummed out.  I know that I was way into it before, but I didn’t want it to keep hurting.  But every time I think I’m doing ok, just before the 2 week mark, he sends me some message/picture out of nowhere.  Nothing is really said. Then the same thing happens again.  That again was last night.  Today though, I kept trying to chat during work and he’s busy too, so it was a few texts over the entire day (up until he signed on).

We chatted. It was crazy though. Like, brief, but it was still something.  I went to the diner with the kids after the show and I was texting him.  He’s still a sweetheart.  Example: there was a coffee spill incident. I asked him if he fixes burns. His reply? With Kisses. C’mon.  I pulled a Family Guy line and said, “I should be there, not here” and he said, “Agreed.”  Dude. I would have.

I know he’s still on OKC. I have to deal. But I also want to think he’s too busy to be starting anything.  I told him that getting the pics out of nowhere feels like I’m not the intended recipient.  He said it was intentional.  Maybe there’s still something there.  I had this shpiel thought out, but I couldn’t even bring it up tonight.  We did establish that I’ve seen him more when he’s 6 hours away vs. when he’s about 25 miles. That’s not logical, but maybe we’re just busy people now.  When I was at work, I asked him if I’d ever get to see him, and I think I fell again when he said, “I’m trying.

I believe.

I don’t know where I’m going. Maybe I should take my own words: Be true to yourself and things will fall into place.  I only know so much, and I think I need to take that chance, because hurt is inevitable, might as well make it worthwhile.