
Straight Talk Gold Mine

I received a text from my BFF this morning about her struggles getting a micro-sim card from Straight Talk. I decided to check it out.  Apparently there is no option left for AT&T users. Everything is being shifted into T-Mobile (ew). This is what I found when I asked Google about it.

Straight Talk formerly allowed customers to bring an AT&T GSM phone or to purchase a SIM card that offers service on AT&T’s network. As of February 2013, America Movil has discontinued both options from both the Straight Talk and NET10 websites. In addition, most references (besides support articles) have been edited to remove any mentions to AT&T-compatible service. It is unclear as to whether AT&T-compatible sales have been permanently discontinued or not. Existing customers are not impacted by this change. – Wiki

If you were thinking about joining Straight Talk, there is still one option left, but that window is closing fast as well. Wal-Mart might still have SIMs available in store or online. If you can get one, apparently Straight Talk will honor those SIMs that are still available for sale. – Talk Android

Well. Looks like the extra SIM I have at home is worth some gold. Ebay is already seeing major sales for what once was a $10 bucks piece of plastic.  I have no problems helping out my BFF, but I want to look into re-activating my mom’s old SIM on straight talk; if that one is still useable, then I essentially have 2 and can easily give one up. There are so many different words about what is going on, we’ll see. For now, I’m just hanging on to what I have.

Health, Technology

Xperience Sony

It has been a little while but I think I am back into my phone binge. I haven’t kept up with things for a while, but with the moving to Virginia soon, I was thinking about finally getting a real phone plan. I saw on AT&T’s website that they are anticipating the HTC One, the follow up to the HTC One X (and other letters). It’s pretty nice, but the new HTC Sense interface is a little Windows-like. I’m sure it’s not bad since HTC is a great company, but I looked up what Sony was doing.

Sony Xperia Z.

Xperia Z
Xperia Z, coming soon!


This bad boy is so pretty. Given, with all the capabilities and being so new and powerful, it’s a little expensive. As a very stupid move, if I pay off my credit card, I can buy it outright and just make slow payments on it. I would also need to have it shipped from Europe (hooray) or hope for a great deal on eBay.  There’s a nice matching new tablet (also not out yet) but that will have to wait. I really want this new phone. It’s so cool! As soon as I get settled with some things, I am looking to sell off some items and have a little more money. I should work on not having so much sentimental value on objects like my old phones. The values have really depreciated and I won’t make as much back at this point. Still something though.

I applied to get certified for my CPhT so I can find more work once we get to Virginia and the site says it normally takes up to an hour. Up To one hour. It’s been about 24 hours now and I still have not heard back from them yet.  I bet it’s my criminal background check.  Woo. I can’t wait to hear back from them.

I started my Viibryd again. The side effects of coming off the prozac are kicking in though. I am so tired these days and the motivation is pretty low, but I’m hoping the Viibryd kicks in much sooner than later. Here’s to hoping!


Dead Phone

Today is one of them slow days. The D thing didn’t happen but I was doing things anyway. But back to slow.

It’s one of those days where no one texts or responds. My phone has been so inactive I get nervous that ATT cut my service or something. I keep feeling like my phone isn’t sending or people aren’t receiving. Freaks me out, but then I don’t want to think about it as my unpopular day. This is the -people are sick of my bullshit day. Haha.

It’s really not that big of a deal; its just going from always having communication/responses with/from people to none, its an adjustment. I’m just not used to it.

I’m sitting at the buffet with my mom. Ran intobsome old family friends. Noted my weight loss. Same old. I’m trying to break in these heels though and so I’m much taller today. It wouldn’t be so bad if I weren’t in a chinese place where I’m already a head taller than they. What’s another 3 some inches.


The L

Every time I’m laying in bed and can’t sleep, I clean out my phone. That also means I pass D things, and then I like to reminisce and melt. Yep. That just happened.

Every word strikes a chord (if you will) with me. I was thinking of FM just now and their song “Fighting For Air”. I don’t need you in heels but I need you head over. Just the reverse of that.

I looked up infatuation the other week. I asked Rob if that necessarily had a negative connotation to which he said no. I’m trying to get a grasp on what I’m feeling because it feels like its getting out of control (not literally out of control- its still in check- but just wild). So…infatuated. enamored?

We’re close, but not THAT close. I know where I stand should status change. It’s this middle grey zone that is toying with me (and my emotions). I know, I know we’ve had the talk. I know he’s busy. Sometimes I just wonder what if things were different, that’s all. I’m always…maybe not always, but I’m pushing things from time to time. Suggesting plans. Odds are 1 in 15638747382749, but I want to try. After all, it was that random suggestion that got me Core Creek 🙂 Butter sauce. I’d say just give me one more day but that’d be lying. I want more. I’d take eternity of he’d let me….I’d take 5 minutes if he had it.

I’m pretty sure if he read this shit we wouldn’t be friends. I’m nucking futs. But I’ve done well limiting my contact. I’d love to have daily contact; I could easily be a stage 5 clinger if I didn’t moderate myself- I could cling in my sleep. But no. I watch how much there is and back off when I get too far in. He needs his space.

This is exactly how I see him. Gumming up the works. I know he gums up my works; I can’t forcefully gum up his.

Try not to think less of me because of this…


Lord Nikon

I’m not sure how many of you know, but I’m a huge fan of photography. Just recently, I have gone out on a limb to purchase a Nikon D5000. I eBay’d that one because I found a great deal (which I hope works out) and I bought some accessories off Amazon. I Craigslisted my second lens (cheaper to get that and the cam separate) and he actually goes to a local school. It makes for a good story, in my opinion.

I had been emailing a lot of people about the lens. One never got back to me, another had someone waiting on it, and this one I didn’t want to do because it was more expensive; but i decided to go out and see if it was still available.  I was emailing. While I was at the train station waiting, I decided to check my email- I got a response! I emailed back right then and there, hoping that he’d check it soon.  The train station is right on his campus so I was thinking of just picking it up right then and there if I could.

My train was scheduled to arrive at 7:15…he responded at 7:14. Great. I decided to skip my train and keep corresponding with him and hopefully get this.  It took a while for the response, but I eventually walked 4 blocks (long blocks…compared to my campus) and met him there.

He said he’d be wearing a red Phillies cap. I got there before he did and called him to let him know (he told me to call once I was there.) Note. He had a really cute voice. But anyway, I was standing there, and on the other side of the street on the corner, there was this person. He was a little older, African American and really sketchy dirty looking. I don’t mean to offend, but that’s just how he came off.  He had a red cap on and held a little black bag. I was hoping this wouldn’t be it. Eventually, he starts walking over and I’m getting nervous, but then right as he’s in front of me, my phone starts going off!

The kid called and said he was a block away. Haha. I was like, what timing. I saw him in the distance, so I waited patiently.  We greeted and chatted briefly. He pulled the lens out of his backpack and I pulled my fresh twenties from my wallet. He’s a nice kid, and once we were done, he wished me a safe trip home and that was that 🙂

I have a lens (came with a UV filter and hood, which is great extras) for a camera I don’t have just yet. But I’m excited to get all my little packages in the mail for all the parts to this camera shopping spree I did. Rob said it’d be like Christmas! Who doesn’t love a bunch of things (given I had to pay for it 🙁 ) Gives me something to look forward to this next week.

I’m on the train right now, and tethering my phone, but my stop is in like 2 or 3, so I’ll end this here. I’ll keep posted on any important news; I still have to name this camera! I was debating taking “Jett” off my laptop and giving it to the cam and renaming the laptop, but I have no idea. I like Kiran; Alexander was in there (like the great, or graham bell 😛 ) I don’t know..