General, Love


I’m sitting here watching NY Ink right now. Of course, I’ve only seen a few episodes, and these are it. Whatever. Lately Matt and I have been thinking about ink and such. He had a few things that he’s set on for himself if he could get home, but we had an idea. It’s a tough idea, but just think couples tattoo. He is firmly against name tattoos (I understand) but this is different. Pokemon tattoos. Hahah. It was a joke at first but it’s a really sweet idea. We each get a Nidoran, ♂ and ♀. I’ll get the male to represent him (plus it’s cuter) and he’ll get the female for me.
Nidoran MaleNidoran Female

The line art is probably like what we’re leaning, but I like the other images too. I’m about to go vacuum my car (he has a dyson too, did I mention that?) and then hit the gym. I NEED to get back in better shape than where I let myself go. We’re going on vacation at the end of the week. I know I can’t drastically change by then, but I can start. Change is change. I need to get out of this habit of getting somewhere and then letting myself go. I mentioned it to Matt but I was going to the gym before I met him. Given, I stopped because of my rash, but I put on so much weight since then. I was in much better shape just 2 months ago. This is bullshit. My goal is less talk and more action. Stop being such a fatass, Jeanne.