
Falling In

Here it goes again. I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I already feel so comfortable around you. I know I’m being ridiculous but try to understand. I’ve never felt so wanted or appreciated and I don’t want to lose that now.

He got sick the night after we went out and in the morning confirmed it. I haven’t heard from him since. Don’t leave me hanging. I hope you’re doing ok, but I really miss your company and hope to see and talk to you again soon. I hate to be so attached so soon but it’s been so lonely these past days that they drag on forever.

Phoenix down. Curaga. Whatever it takes. Please.

Dreams, Health, Home

Doctor Doctor

First off, I had the weirdest sick dream last night. It was dirty (raunchy) and included Lenny, and some girl that may or may not have been Amanda. Let me just say that I might be able to understand how Lenny is gay, and that I’m not really into the girl scene. I don’t really want to go into too much more with this. Ew.

I went home last night for a doctor’s appointment earlier today. Since I’m a new patient we did a past medical history and talked a bit. She feels that one of my major conditions that could be effecting the rest of me is depression. I expressed concerns of a thyroid condition so she did draw blood for testing. That makes me feel better. I also got my flu shot while I was in there.

Funny thing with the flu shot. Lately, my “sciatica” has been great/nonexistent. Wasn’t going to say anything. About an hour after my appointment, I was sitting in the kitchen and all of a sudden, it started kicking in. My lower back and hips are going in and out with this panging sore pain. Not cool. I’m leaning the shot as cause, but I can’t say with certainty.

So I got a prescription for Lexapro (escitalopram), copay of $50 (no generic yet- March!). Ouch. I was really upset with that, but I looked up the approximate retail cost which came about to just under $120. Makes me feel better about what I was spending, but I’m still not happy about it. Then again, we also discussed in class how it can cost of up $1.7 BILLION just to bring a single drug into market. I get it costs a lot, but *frown*. We’ll see how it goes in the follow up and or when generic pops out.

Hm. I forgot to mention how I got in to see the school psychologist yesterday. Spent about an hour in a pre-in clinic. A lot of questions and they’ll get back to me to determine whether or not I should be seen at the school or be referred somewhere else. They’re really nice about it, so we’ll see how that goes. How crazy am I? I’ll keep you posted.